Forum Discussion
Went through every setting once in career and while starting career and cant find anywhere to change it. Tried going into f1world time trial to change that from equal to regular performance but that also didnt change anything. Would appreciate if someone found the fix
- 2 years ago@KidLimmy Yeh having the same issue with my mate. We went through every setting and tried changing it in time trial and a custom lobby. Nothing worked. It’s clearly a early game bug. They’ve had it in previous games at release. Hopefully they fix it soon.
- 2 years ago
There is a way around it ill tell you how i did it
Step 1 Go to f1 world
Step 2 Go to PLAY then accross to MULTIPLAYER GRAND PRIX then CREATE SESSION once you have done that choose NO OPEN then go to setting and LOBBY OPTIONS from there scroll down to where it says f1 world change to F123 CARS once that is done go to SIMULATION SETTINGS and at the very top Choose where is says equal perfomance OFF then go out and return to your coop game and the equal performace should fingers crossed be disabled..hope this helps worked for me!
best wishes
- 2 years ago
yea sadly doesnt work for me, im on pc are you?
- 2 years ago@KidLimmy Go to multiplayer lobby and change there f1 2023 cars and equal performance to OFF, then go to your co op career and it is fixed... ONLY CO OP HOST CAN DO THAT FIX!
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