Career Personalization/Customization
I have posted on here before about everything I’d like to see in F124, although most of it probably isn’t happening I’d like to talk about some customization things that you guys could implement into the game to really let us personalize our drivers.
First off, I HATE that the F1 franchise is the only game series under EA sports where you have absolutely no customization of your character, yes, there a lot of options for preset characters to choose from but come onnn it would make a lot of people happy if they had to ability to customize height and weight muscles mass etc. like you can in MADDEN or FC24, yes I know these things are obviously hidden by the fact that your always wearing a racing suit but it would just be a lot nicer to be able to customize stuff such as height weight muscle mass and let us customize our faces!! These things have been a feature in FIFA Madden and any other ea sports games for years, but yet the people over at code masters can’t even implement simple character customization. This would make the career mode better because you can really make your character personalized like you have been able to in other EA sports games for how ever many years.
Next, LET US PUT SPONSORS ON OUR HELMETS!! I know it’s hard to get rights to all sponsors on f1 cars and stuff but if for example your signed with Ferrari, you should have the ability to put sponsors that are associated with Ferrari on your helmet, it is so dumb having no sponsors on your helmet it just looks stupid, also just besides sponsors helmet customization leaves a lot to be desired, we only have so many preset styles that we can customize but even then it’s not enough, that brings me onto the ability to put our names flags number etc on suits, it should just be a feature already to have our number on suits but we cant even have that, I get you guys want us to buy as many pitcoins as possible so you guys can make a bunch of money BUT YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE MORE PROFIT OFF OF THE GAMES IF YOU PUT BASIC THINGS INTO THE GAME THAT PEOPLE ACUTALLY WANT!!!!! That’s all I’ve gotta say for now and I honestly think the dev’s underestimate how good this franchise could be if they implemented simple features that people have been begging for for years, but somehow you guys always end up making the same game every year and can’t even drop last gen consoles for a 2024 game!! However I have no idea how “game-changing” f124 is gonna be this year but I honestly doubt it’s going to be much 🙄