Some info about me:
Casual player, have been playing f1 games for a while but never alot, like maybe couple of days of a game at times etc... I only started playing alot of f1 with f1 22, and even now its not that much.
I drive without assists, manual gears everything, I only use ABS on.
My time trial times in f1 23 were about 1.1 seconds to 1.8 seconds slower than the top times, so im no pro, im not very slow but im not really good either.
For me personally I didn't like the handling so much when f1 24 released, alltho I saw huge potential, but some things annoyed me.
With this new patch these things are completely gone and I have to say I LOVE the new handling, way better than before and way better than f1 23.
I also see why some "pro" and "very good" drivers here want this to be more of a sim, or want less grip etc... but that applies maybe to 2% of the population of f1 games, I don't agree they should do it just because such a low number of players want to make it harder to drive.
Maybe they should add "sim mode" where its easier to spin and harder to drive for you guys lol.
I personally like the new handling alot and even my two friends who quit f1 22 because it was too hard and easy to spin and then played a bit f1 23 but still found it a bit too easy to spin at times, have tried it and are really impressed so far and will probably play it alot this year because of this.
I can understand why really great and pro players want it to be harder and punish ur mistakes more, thats why I suggest they can add a "sim mode" where these things are harder and its easier to spin and stuff... and everyone will be happy.