Forum Discussion
Is going AFK in Rush mode bad? I was able to have my breakfast this morning and get a game done in Rush for an objective. Seems like a W to me. When i came back it looked like the other team had a great time. Im a glass half full kind of a guy, though.
@douganheim wrote:Is going AFK in Rush mode bad? I was able to have my breakfast this morning and get a game done in Rush for an objective. Seems like a W to me. When i came back it looked like the other team had a great time. Im a glass half full kind of a guy, though.
Yes. Super bad. A W is better than a L but it is about a fun game. You ruin it by AFK and even worse, some run back and open offside the whole time. It is a pest like cockroaches.
- 3 months ago
For the fist time in years EA listen to us. It’s not perfect but with the new update I can see a change. AFK players in idle are getting kick out pretty quick now. Thanks EA listen to us. More often than not big companies don’t listen to the people. ITS SMALL STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. W EA.
- 3 months ago
Yeah.. the idle ones aren't the problem. You can steer AI, it's harder..but works.
The AFK that are lazy but want the points, they keep themselves active. Most of the time they walk back into your own goal so you can't play offside which is so important in Rush.. those are hard for EA to fix.- RadioShaqs3 months agoHero@RobinScores This is what I am thinking it will catch a lot afk but not the ones who are moving and hitting buttons but not playing. You probably won’t be able to stop those ones. I suppose it’s better than nothing.
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