Forum Discussion
As mentioned here, this game is a big impudence and just rubbish.
EA is destroying the hobby of thousands of gamers, who love football.
- number55 months agoSeasoned Hotshot
I was very adamant on the previous forums and now answers about how bad the past 5-6 fifa have been with special attention to the last 3. I never thought that it could go downhill so fast. At least the last few were playable at launch and in many ways they just got worse throughout the year with all the suspected things going on behind the gameplay, the patches, cards getting nerfed, crappy gameplay.
BUT THIS GAME, is on a different level of jacked up. You can’t even play the way you want anymore. Other years you could play your style and know you would lose but at least have some respect. This gameplay now is basically who gets the right bounce, lobbed ball, or godly keeper. God forbid you have lag because then the L1 speed boost trick will do you in quickly.
you can’t turn, pass, defend, switch, cross, shoot. It’s all completely broken. With a million tactics and settings, nothing is consistent, it’s a different/worse game every time in turn it back on.- brebike5 months agoRising Scout
For a whole year I was thinking the same about FC 24: this has nothing to do with football anymore. In the new EA FC 25, they cut out the few good things from FC 24 and either left the bad or even make it worse.
Where the opponent's pressure in FC 24 was unreal, they totally left it out in FC 25. Not one of my defenders is moving when an opponent's striker is attacking on goal. Also the strength of some teams in FC 24 was just so over exagurated that it was ridiculous. I could run after a ball playing with Man City vs Real Madrid for 90mins without touching it. In FC 25 it's the opposite. There's hardly any difference between teams anymore. The day before yesterday, I consecutively beat Aston Villa, PSG and Barcelona with freaking Anderlecht in online games! Totally stupid!
Where one could still adjust stuff in Team Management last year, there's hardly anything you can do this year. The whole Tactics-thing is just stupid, one big fraud!
The whole gameplay feels unnatural. Last year there was a lot to do about putting sensors on real players to monitor how they move and integrate it in the game, but i can hardly imagine that this is the result. We live in a world where AI can basically (re)create everything existing and non-existing on this planet, and this is the best EA came up with?!
- ASAP_Ewok5 months agoRising Scout
The numbers don’t like either. This game is terrible on every level. Game sales are already down 5% from last year. It’s the lowest rated EA FC and FIFA game in this Franchise’s history. Active player count is consistently decreasing. It’s evidently clear the developers put more emphasis on micro transactions than on any effort to improve the gameplay and all the mechanics associated with it.
All and all the facts are there.
- ASAP_Ewok5 months agoRising Scout@ASAP_Ewok In terms of tactics and gameplay nothing works like it should. Holding midfielders play like they are CAMs,. Passing is at this point is so terrible and causes unforced errors like crazy. EA developers shut off the passing and shooting indicators for all online games. Btw proving that they blatantly know passing mechanics are terrible and need to be addressed. Instead of fixing it, they tried to hide it. Why else make it so you can’t use the shooting and passing indicators for all online games when you could use it last year in EA FC 24… makes absolutely no that you can’t turn it on this year… players switching is delayed and doesn’t switch you to the right person, even if you are using the directional switching. The input delay standout especially when dribbling. They tried to make this game more technical and it failed miserably.
- 5 months ago
I raged , threw controllers at the wall and all possible things while playing 24/23/22 and so on but i still wanted to play. This year i do not even want to play this. Its so boring , passes are random , player movements are slow as hell. My defenders are watching the game from the stands. It makes me throw wanna up when i play this *. I am absolutely done. I qualified for the WL and everything but i am not destroying my brain with this bug * game.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
This video is definitely something the dev team should watch.
- GenericFC5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I've been saying it for nearly 10 years now..
This Dev team need seriously looking at!!
- 5 months ago
II think Dev team it is a joke for the phisics of football game. Resign soon * possible guys, it a shame what you have done in fc2025.
I'll be glad to know if any of the Dev team has played minimum once foot in this life ?
- xX8Pietro8Xx5 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
Why are people talking about servers when the delay, input lag, and input cancellation are also happening offline? Those are all mechanics intentionally added to the game.
Why do you think all FIFA looks better at the end? Everyone has the best player with 5-6 playstyles, so the command works properly.
- gnappo784 months agoRising Ace
Don't agree. Best game ever since many years, good reactivity, next gen graphics, FUT made easier for newcomers.
- lansenyl4 months agoSeasoned Veteran
Don't agree, worst reviewed game ever in long time, bad reactivity, much negativity from online community. FUT clearly made better for you 👍
- GSM3504 months agoNew Ace@gnappo78 How the hell did over complicated tactics, player roles that constantly pull defenders out of position and inconsistent AI behaviour make the game easier for newcomers??
- gnappo784 months agoRising Ace
@GSM350 ha scritto:
@gnappo78How the hell did over complicated tactics, player roles that constantly pull defenders out of position and inconsistent AI behaviour make the game easier for newcomers??I wrote that UT is more accessible for newcomers, not referring to gameplay. On the gameplay side I don't see much issues on AI. Defender position may be better, most of all central ones, but I feel it better than FC24
- Tauntmatt2 months agoRising Veteran
It doesn't matter what you do with these patches unless you finally get the message and patch the A.I. defense.
At the moment this game is like playing 2 games in one. You have the attacking side of the game which to me at least seems to be where they have tried to implement "real" mechanics vs the defensive side which is basically an anything goes no holds barred arcadey circus.
*Defenders hit top speeds instantly from a standing position & wildly throw themselves into your path which creates this insane high pressure constantly.
*Defenders miss tackles & sometimes stutter into you anyway or instantly pivot into you.
*Defenders can chase the "fastest" players in the game, stop, recover instantly and catch you instantly. They throw themselves completely out of position, recover straight away & get you.
*No penalties for spamming wild tackles like it opening up space for the opposing attack. People are spamming tackles non stop.
*Magnetic defensive blocks & rebounds flying straight to the opposition.
*Containing players acting like heat seeking missiles, sticking to you no matter which way you turn.
*Rugby esq shoulder blocks, knee shattering tackles, tackles from bizarre angles & in bizarre positions.
*Gliding A.I. defenders not even running anymore, just roller skating into perfect positions.
*Insane auto blocks
*Players with 20 defending somehow being the best defenders on the pitch. Stats meaning absolutely nothing. Players with low acceleration giving up over 20 pace pocketing 92 Rashford.
The defensive mechanics are that bonkers none of the attacking players I've used feel special from one another.
- 2 months ago
Dude it feels like im putting my inputs into a slice of bread. This is legitimately the worst game I’ve ever touched not just worst fifa
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