Forum Discussion
@retrytoDoesn’t look to be a server problem with lag or delay. There is a big thread in ultimate team section looking for video examples with the input overlay on. Only one person has had delay so far.
Mean online input overlay. After doing that you can see in there more times than not people found out they don’t have delay. At least not to the server. They might have in their setup or a bug like I mentioned in the patch.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@retryto Like I said play with the online input overlay on. One controller is connected to the server and one is local.If your controllers are in syncs or close you ah e little to no delay. If they are 2 seconds apart them you have delay. I’ve never had delay. You can see in that thread though they argued with me for 30 pages or whatever they say they don’t actually have delay. Except for the one he said his controllers are not in sync and posted the video.
There are plenty of threads and in the patch notes highlighting pc problems not server related. I posted this examples in that thread.
Do the online overlay test and see if you are having connection issues or not. If it’s not then you can focus on pc issues like optimization like overheating controllers and steam issues. The pc threads have had a lot of ea interaction. - lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs If you want proper evidence of this just wait and see all the issues streamers are going to have this weekend. You'll find no shortage of evidence across multiple systems with what I can only assume to ne top of the line internet and equipment.
Every game will be some kind of 5+ defender set up and or riddled with input delay and inconsistent gameplay - number55 months agoSeasoned Hotshot
I’ll explain the “more games” better.
It’s a trading card game still and now that more cards are untradeabke and in rewards, people NEED more games, they don’t WANT more games. Big difference.Only credit I will give EA this year is that rush and evos are awesome but what good is it if the player I just spent hours upgrading can’t even move in the game? Can’t complete a pass? Won’t make a run? Can’t make a tackle? Etc.
that’s the big point here!
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl I find very few every turn on the online input overlay as he never did in the video so that doesn’t show delay. He was right about ea needs to ban youtubers that advertise coin selling though.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
The game has a lot for players to work towards and earn right now and it's based on one of if not the most popular and entertaining sports cultures in the world.
The game used to have some kind of passion behind it but now it's nothing more than a football casino that gets closer and closer to a high end mobile game every year. It's disappointing and the lack of communication in threads like this are disrespectful to the community that gives them the ability to keep producing this game.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@number5 You don’t need more games for more rewards though. They just want to play 40 more games. Like I said feel free to tell them if the game is bad and they hate it they should enjoy less games.
I’ve literally seen people who said they hate the game and will never play it again last year come back and ask for 40 games. If they really thought it was bad and unplayable like last year no way would they ask for 40 more that wouldn’t make sense. Unless they are just trolling for fun. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl I think most of the stuff in here has been touched upon by ea. like I said if you have delay they are looking for videos. The one you posted doesn’t show delay as he didn’t use the online input overlay. If nobody posts them it really doesn’t look like an issue.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero
@lansenylIt looks like he is on steam. Those have been addressed by ea in other threads. The patch addressed those. Now some are still reporting issues some say it’s fixed but ea posted about those.
Those are different than online too. That’s why if you think it’s servers or online you need the online input overlay on. Very few actually have delay from the servers.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero
@lansenylI mean you say you want answers but every video you post is without the actual thing ea needs to see.
I don’t mean to be rude either but you’re posting everything without the actual thing you need.
Why are you not showing a video with the online input overlay on? This is the biggest problem though ea asks for an example and nobody posts it. You really want an answer find a video showing the actual problem. Are you purposely not posting the right video?Just in case you really care and do have an issue. I will repeat it one more time. You need two controllers on screen. One is connected to the server and one is local. This is the only way to show or see the delay.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs
The clip at 10:45 in this video has great evidence of the delay on the ps5.
If this company gives me an xbox code for the game I'll happily do as many tests and compile as much evidence as I can to prove my claims. But this isn't worth my $90 or any amount of cash.
Besides, I shouldn't have to do this and neither should the community. This game should be put through thr ringer every year for bugs and problems with the amount of money it generates. The game isn't a play test we pay for every year. It's a competitive esport is it not? - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero
@lansenylHe doesn’t have the input overlay on. He might have delay but it’s not the server.
I mean the online input overlay. He has the local one on but it’s not going to show server delay without the second controller.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs Lol what. He has his controller overlay on in the top right. He presses circle once and nothing happens and after the second time his striker goes across goal and the support on the other post can't follow up because of sluggish movement and a lack of FC IQ.
Enough of this not the server garbage. If I can get 9 ping in rainbow six then why can't I get anything better than 28 on FC24 or 25? Why are EA games, specifically fifa the only ones where I have these kinds of issues? I played sparking zero for the last few days and had no issues in terms of connection or delay. - 5 months ago
Without being rude as well. This is a honest question. You defend this people from EA like it is your mission to do so. Why? I guess you are just a player like us as well. If you really played the game constantly and chilled in the menu regularly for like the last 5/6 years you personally will have experienced everything we are talking about. It is not some settings , it is not controller input or a weak pc that is causing this. It is the likes of EA sports to generate money on the back of people and not even fix their game. Go play the 15 matches on champs on separate days (Friday , Saturday and Sunday) and tell me if the gameplay is the same. Every day of the week , when you wanna play a game , you just beg that there is no problems with the server and you hope to connect a pass and build attacks. This is not a church ,i do not want to pray for good connection. And changing my settings aint gonna make it better. Sorry but this is utter nonsense.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I'm not the only one fed up with it. There is no need for evidence when issues are so wide spread.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl He has the local one. You need to have the online one on to show server delay. One controller is connected to local one is connected to the server.
If you have server delay the controller right beside it will light up say 2 seconds later.
Without having both controllers you can not show the delay to the server.
He could have delay that he needs to fix but this doesn’t show it’s on eas end.
If you think it’s on eas end you need a video with both controllers. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl It’s not widespread though or otherwise you would see videos of the delay. You can’t even find one video showing it. So saying it’s widespread is wrong.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs they guy has the best internet he's able to afford in a major Canadian city. What more does he have to do to have a shoot go off on time? Spend more money on packs? You're no help.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl Why are you not addressing that the video doesn’t show the issue? You have to be on a wind up. I refuse to believe you don’t understand he isn’t showing the delay.
- 5 months ago
Just leave the guy and dont spend any efforts convincing him. He is choosing to ignore facts as he probably has not touched this game. We are sharing the opinions from the majority of the Fifa players and he is defending the likes of EA. Not responding to my comment shows that he just does not know what to reply to me cuz he hasnt played the game as much if at all.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran
@RadioShaqsInception presses circle and the the game doesn't register his input right away so the striker take a heavy touch down with his head. Inception then has to quickly input the command again causing the player to miss the opportunity.
The issue is that when a button is pressed the game should respond to that command as fast as possible without anything in-between. - RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@retryto This is just a wind up. Obviously if you had delay you would either find 1 video showing it or would post one yourself.
- RadioShaqs5 months agoHero@lansenyl I can’t anymore I refuse to believe you don’t understand he isn’t showing it. You seem to smart for that.
- lansenyl5 months agoSeasoned Veteran@RadioShaqs He doesn't need to show both controller displays for you to see that the shot is taking too long to come off after he presses the command for it. He has his direct no delay inputs on the controller as they're happening and the gameplay right in front of your eyes.
Both overlays takes up too much space on the screen and are too distracting to actually play with.
If I had the game myself this year I would happily make my own clips and provide the evidence but feel free to get yourself on the game and try for yourself this weekend and give us your evidence in order prove me wrong.
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