Gameplay is slow and players not playing per their attributes
My gameplay is slow players movements are slow tackle not working players under performing I completed toure sbc and he does not play like a 93 rated players at all defenders seem slow and sluggish and constantly make errors passing is slow I am literally on the verge of quitting as since the latest update my gameplay was bad anyway with issues and it is only got worse I have been complaining for 5 months each update has done nothing to solve the issues sprint does not work properly as my players with rapid or high pace attributes seem to be unable to sprint fast skill moves are performed clumsy as my player is not even trying to evade the opponents shooting is unrealistic as my players are delayed when shooting in fact every move weather apss or tackle or shoot seems delayed unable to contact ea support and when they tell me they are unable anything and they will take notes and pass it to relevant departments but nothing seems to be sorted as my issues still remain passes going to wrong players defenders running out of position the more this continues the more I want to quit it's just a matter of time untill I just quit as I have had enough of the problems that are not being resolved