New update is AWFUL
The new update has made the game 10x worse Ai defenders seem to shuffle to the ball at half a mph letting the oncoming attacker to walk to get to the ball first. Near post shots and gks have been sorted have they? How come I was winning 10-1 at half time 8 of them near post my granny could have saved. I'm half decent at the game but I don't want the win given to me on a plate. Where's the challenge?
I've said it 1000 times make crossing and shooting fully manual on competitive online play.
Think of how good someone would feel putting that perfect cross or shot into the top corner knowing it was all their own work not because EA decided your going to score.
The ai need a major overhaul time and again they give the game away with stupid decisions and general poor play and in most game they are the deciding factor for the game result. I didn't pay this money for the game for it to be randomised by poor programmed ai
- @Jayi1503 It does look bad they basically buffed offense and nerfed defense. They boosted pace again so we might see fullbacks at defense and offense back in the midfield.
You are right they need to make offense manual and take skill.