Forum Discussion
i have only gotten real madrid today lololol
That's not my experience so far.
How many are online currently? Also where are you country wise?
- 6 months ago@blue166 from southeast asia, it states about 1,600 online. you?
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
Well yesterday in Europe it was showing nearly 4,000 online. When I connect later I will say again the numbers then.
- 6 months ago
@blue166 i saw about 4000 online yesterday too. still got real madrid non stop
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I played more games today and played Sporting, Juventus and Galatasaray.
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran@dazzelecloudy Something seems very odd here I have to say.
- 6 months ago@blue166 do you have access to dual entitlement and can play the xbox one (old gen) version? if so, could you help test if restrictive matchmaking works there? thank you
- 6 months ago
i tried using chelsea, same as you @blue166
instantly i got real madrkd
- 6 months ago
@blue166 just guessing whether you may have tried on the old gen version. since buying the game entitles you to both old and new gen versions under dual entitlement?
new gen - usually restrictive matchmaking doesnt work. old gen it tends to work better
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
All I know is so far with Chelsea I am meeting Sporting, Juve, Gala, Athletic etc... No Madrid or City yet. Like I say i would not mind them either here and there.
- 6 months ago
@blue166 cool. you have access to both the old and new gen am i right?
- 6 months ago
So the tip earlier in this thread about not letting the matchmaking last more than 5 seconds before backing out seems to work.
Today, I got Real Madrid twice (and quit out both times). Tried again, got an instant match and got OM which is a fair match for Crystal Palace.
We need this level of activity in the bug report thread though, not in here!
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
@stayloaI would always recommend the under 5 seconds search, cancel and repeat. For the reasons I mentioned earlier. Location of opponent and more likely to meet a side with a similar star rating.
I have found this the best option for at least the last 3 FIFAs/EAFCs now.
- 6 months ago
@stayloa could you try the 5 seconds search consistently and let us know? i tried to do it but still got real madrid when i got an opponent under 5 seconds with a 4 star team
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
How are your findings since?
Any others want to chip in this thread too?
- 6 months ago
Yeah this is still broken for me. It's chalked.
Try and play with a 3 star team and getting matched against Liverpool at times.
The main mode I play is 2v2 seasons with a friend. Restrictive matchmaking was working in 2v2 in FC24, however it appears to be broken in the same way on this game.
I have no idea how we even get EA to look into this issue. It completely ruins the experience playing Seasons modes and they just don't care cos it's not UT.
This game has been out less than a week and already i'm
a) sick of playing Real Madridb) Sick of having to quit every game before it starts because it's matching my rubbish team against Real Madrid.
I really don't understand why they can't let us decide how much of a star difference we want in matchmaking. Let us choose if we want to play games with a 2star difference or half a star. Can't be that difficult to code. - 6 months ago
It's not perfect, but I'd say 9/10 matches are against reasonable opposition with the 5 second trick.
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
The 5 second thing I have done for about 3 FIFAs (EAFC) and more time than not it works. Not only that it also finds somebody within closer location as that's the nature of the way the search expands outwards as time goes on.
On 25 it's working also. Just one of those things I figured out a long time ago.
The reality with lower star teams - Probably 3.5 star and under, it's likely to be a lot less players playing with them. I'd say 3.5 stars to 5 star is the majority of players. Just the bigger nature of popular clubs.
- thurlow8856 months agoSeasoned Ace
I'm hoping it improves over the next week with the higher amount of people playing. I managed to get a free trial on my XBOX One as well and when I went into Seasons I was getting numbers as low as 150 players online. My prediction is at least 125 of those were picking Real Madrid so as I previously stated is possibly one of the reasons matchmaking is flawed. Not enough people picking 3 or 3.5 star teams to play as
- 6 months ago
nothing has changed , search for teams by ranking is broken , playing for sporting constantly comes up real madrid, barcelona , manchester city, bayern münchen
- 6 months ago
Co op seasons still broken with matchmaking - I choose a 4 star team and constantly get 5 star teams, will this be fixed?
- 6 months ago
Hey guys, does at least the control filter work? Or manual players still get paired with semi/auto opponebts? Thanks.
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
Still playing as Chelsea. Meeting Galatasaray, Sporting, Athletic Bilbao. I left my search for a while last night (current Div5) and it put me up against Bayern. Was tired to backed out of that one. But I would play them normally.
Xbox Series X.
- KavinSander874 months agoRising Traveler@Gilhooley22 Hi and welcome, this is a FC25 discussion, please go to fc24 and see.
We open a bug report about matchmaking for fc24 already in october 23........ then no reply and no fix has been made for fc24 , do you really think that they will fix it for fc25...... they are not interested in season becuase they want to mygr4te pleayers to Ultimat3 t3am. there is a in game purchase option there and they earn lots from U T ...... sorry to break you hopes like that. fc24 was exatly the same. I have been in touch will all pro players , checking emails and social profiles, nobody replied. I have been taking this issue seriously and put lot of effort in it, because I think it is not fair that a 60 £ game ahs this massive issue. try to search for thos issue outside this forum, you find nothing. nobody found a soution or fix to this problem otherwise the solution would have been posted already. ......... all thing you find online if you search are fix to UT non finding matches or other not relevant issue.
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