Does any part of this game work properly?
We are now 6 months on from the 1 week advance access to this game.
In the last two days I've experienced the following:
Crash from 3 squad battles straight to PC desktop, each is first match after opening FC25
Every single squad battles match has multiple pauses within game, 2-3 seconds of play, 10 seconds of pause, with controller actions and video/audio completely out of sync.
5 freezes after completing SBCs
Crash out to desktop from amending squad
I haven't even tried Rivals & Friendlies, Draft Matches due to previous issues that I've not seen reported as resolved.
To annoy me some more, I've just opened the latest "Just for You" pack at a cost of 400,000 coins to "win" a choice of 2 players that I could be buy for 50,000 or 27,000!
@EA you are just a bunch of rip of merchants