Playing with direction buttons issue / URGENT
Hello, i was always playing this game with direction buttons on ps5. But in FC25, while i playing with direction buttons, players are bouncing the ball. İ think everyone has this problem. We need help urgently.
Accepted as solution for visibility purposes only
Thank you all for raising this issue.We've passed it on to the team for investigation.
Sharing these steps from @Zizouu97, @mehdiiraqui, and @Hicham9900 that seem to be helping some folks here. Thank you!!!
1- go to any Kick-Off match then open your joystick settings.
2- turn the settings from CUSTOM to CLASSIC, and save it as it is.
3- Close the settings and just move any player user the new settings.
4- Re-open the joystick settings and adjust it as you like, and save it 🙂)
Now Congratulations you can use the arrows perfectly