Comestic Evolution Question That Has Yet To Be Explained
So one question that is on my mind and NO ONE can explain properly (as far as i could read in forums and reddit).
What happens if i put a cosmetic evolved player in another evo to upgrade it, so basically we have the badges and the evolution colors and so on, and i want to know, if i pay 35k coins for the Purple Prime AA evolution, and then put that evolved player in, let's say, "From box-to-box" evolution, would it still be a purple evo, or will it become a regular green evo? (this question also applies to badges).
Because if it indeed overwrites the cosmetic evo then this is simply a massive scam on behalf of EA to charge cosmetic evos instead of, for example, having a "dossier" with the all the cosmetic evos (having them unlocked once) where you could re-use them anytime you no longer have a player with that cosmetic effect, such as a "transmog" of appearence.