Madden NFL 24 - Franchise Draft Class Update
Hey Madden Fans,
We wanted to share some important updates regarding Draft Class issues currently affecting Franchise mode.
You can read previous information here and in our Gridiron Notes from 9/1 for information about the Draft Class issue in Franchise Mode.
Draft Class
- We have upcoming fixes for the following Draft Class issues in our next Title Update:
- Downloaded Draft Classes: Appearance of players being affected when importing a custom Draft Class.
- Auto-Generated Draft Class: Appearance of players being affected when selecting the auto-generated Draft Class option. (e.g. Chunky QBs)
Along with that information, we wanted to provide a quick Q & A to help address additional questions from social and the forums:
Q: My current Franchise has a downloaded draft class, will my downloaded Draft Class in my Franchise be retroactively fixed?
A: Due to this issue being a client side fix, your downloaded Draft Class will not be retroactively fixed.
Q: I selected an auto-generated Draft Class and currently see chunky QBs/thin linemen from that Draft Class, will those players be retroactively fixed?
A: There is a chance these may affect previously generated players that had this issue, but likely this will still not be resolved. However, for newly generated draft classes after the update, this problem should be resolved.
Make sure to follow Madden NFL Direct for more information on updates coming to Madden NFL 24. There will be a Gridiron Notes for the next Title Update containing the above fixes, along with updates across multiple modes. Thank you!