WINS not Counting 2025
Football is a beautiful game, this EA spin on a video game is not.
I recently stopped getting my wins to register in game. I have won 4 in a row and only shows 2.
THE GLITCH SEEMS TO BE IF I WIN AT THE LAST SECOND VIA FIELD GOAL, it does not register. BUT IT SURE DOES REGISTER MY LOSES TO TEAMS that i get ridiculously outmatched at in terms of OVR.
The game itself is frustrating enough, but if I’m playing games that won’t amount to any rewards that’s promised, then I am going to return this POS back to amazon.
I can’t even find a legit live support despite the amount of $ EA makes, it’s foul. Y’all did me dirty, %100 returning it on amazon if I don’t get a moderator to help, i wasted my time playing the game and i’m not going to waste anymore time reading the same poop articles on here.