I pre-ordered the Bundle of CFB 25 & Madden 25, on level 48 on CFB 25 College Ultimate Team, and started to play Madden 25 Madden Ultimate Team on Monday at 4est. I still don’t have any way to upgrade with the item I should've received from CUT by completing level 20 on the season pass (Im on level 14 in Madden now after waiting but I still don't have the token/item to give me XP). The set says 0/1 for me, but several people I’m playing and know have their rewards.
I hope the information below helps the team resolve this immediately
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): xMRR1GHTx
- Which platform are you on? Xbox (white console)
- Are you getting an error message? No, Im not receiving an error message I don't have the content when I load into Madden 25
- Does this only happen in one game mode? I currently play MUT only
- Please share any steps you've tried so far to resolve the issue:
1. I went back into CUT mode in NCAA 25 to ensure I've completed all objectives
2. I opened NCAA 25 connected and switched over to Madden 25 to see if it was a sync issue
3. Since the release of Madden 25 on Monday I've restarted my Xbox 6x times a day to see if that resolves any of the issues I'm having along with ensuring the games are closed out completely - If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
1. Shows no items able to be added in MADDEN 25
2. Shows all Items received and completed in NCAA 25 CUT mode and currently on level 48 (plus I preorder)