Forum Discussion
Ive been locked out since the 5th and this is the third week this has happened to me since launch.
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to confirm if anyone in this thread was still seeing an issue accessing Solo Battles.
If so, please let us know the following:
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag):
- Which platform are you on?
- Are you getting an error message?
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
- WeedReaper4205 months agoNew Vanguard
EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): WeedReaper420
Which platform are you on? PC (Steam)
Are you getting an error message? No - 5 months ago
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): PewPewPewPro
- Which platform are you on? PC
- Are you getting an error message? No error message, just no games visible even though I only played 2.
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip.. Done
Played two games on Friday or Saturday and then have been locked out all week since. I do not PvP/H2H, so solo battles and challenges are the main chunk of content in MUT for me.
Cannot attach image due to size being too large and zip file extensions not being accepted. Essentially all that I can see is my rank and top 100. No teams to play against.
- Iuckystr1ke5 months agoRising Adventurer@PewPewPewPro same im EA play pro PC... i played 6 solo battles and now i cant see any teams for play.
- 5 months ago
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): PewPewPewPro
- Which platform are you on? PC
- Are you getting an error message? No error message.
Only thing visible, once again this week, is top 100 and rank. Two weeks in a row that this has happened now. Please fix this. The solo battles are one of the only things to do in MUT if you do not H2H. I will not be spending any more money on this game if I cannot even access the content that I like.
- jeremydrive5 months agoRising Rookie
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): kingdutch
- Which platform are you on? PS5
- Are you getting an error message? No
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip... - it’s the same thing everyone else is posting. I can’t play any solo battles games. For 3 days now. Only see my rankings and top players.
- 5 months ago
EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): Landon2269
Which platform are you on?: PS5
Are you getting an error message? No error message but Solo Battles window only shows “My Ranking” and “Top 100” tabs.
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip: See attached.
- WeedReaper4205 months agoNew Vanguard
I only get 4 games out of 29 to play, but other people get 32?
- iDharmay5 months agoSeasoned Novice
Played a solo battle this morning (Saturday - 10/12/24 around 11am EST) - successfully completed the solo battle. Went back into the solo battle screen and now only showing reward tiers and Top 100. Haven't play everyday but reading through threads on here, Reddit and this seems to be a constant issue. It is difficult to understand how this is an ongoing issue for players daily. Players are missing out on the ability, when all they want to do is play the game, to successfully complete missions/challenges when one of the game modes in completely unplayable. Please be better EA.
- RavenCelentic5 months agoNew Rookie
Lost solo battles last week for 3+ days. At reset, I had games again after the weekly reset yesterday. Now, they are gone again. I have no error message. I just logged on today, and it is gone, again. I have reset game. I have turned PS5 off and on. I don’t know what else to do.
- 5 months ago
Unfortunately it's Saturday after the hurricane and that could well be the excuse why this issue won't be looked at anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong, but even in the best of times solo content holds it seems very little weight with EA. I hope they prove me wrong and fix the issues for all solo players but I wouldn't hold my breath.
- 5 months ago
EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): Landon2269
Which platform are you on?: PS5
Are you getting an error message? No error message but Solo Battles window only shows “My Ranking” and “Top 100” tabs. This was corrected yesterday but am experiencing the same issue again today.
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip: See attached.
- WeedReaper4205 months agoNew Vanguard
Yep, I got locked out again as well today.
A reward screen popped up for half a second.
- 5 months ago
Gamer tag is airibreathe11
playing on ps5
no error
- 5 months ago
EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): deadser
Which platform are you on? PS5
Are you getting an error message? No
If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...I lost access to solo games last week, then, after the reset (yesterday?) was able to play them. Signed on tonight, went to solo games, and got an empty "rewards" screen, like you might get after challenges, but with nothing listed. Backed out of that, and went to enter solo games again, but all I get is the screen that you get at the end, listing your ranking. If past experience holds, I won't have access to them until the next reset, in 5 days, 14 hours (as I write this).
This really needs to be addressed. I buy and play madden only to play MUT, and I don't play H2H because I'm old as dirt. And I spend a lot of money on the game. It's players like me that keep the lights on, and the quickest way to stop us from spending our hard earned coin is to break the thing we like to do. So please fix it.
- 5 months ago
@EA_Illium wrote:Hey Everyone,
I wanted to confirm if anyone in this thread was still seeing an issue accessing Solo Battles.
If so, please let us know the following:
- EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag):
- Which platform are you on?
- Are you getting an error message?
- If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip...
Ea id: vida0901
platform: ps5
no error message. Same as others. I completed 6 or 7 battles yesterday, logged on this morning and tonight. Both times today i was brought to the ranking screen, showing my rank, top 100 and 5+ days left until reset.
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