Forum Discussion
If you no longer have access to your email address, we can try to recover your account.
Please make contact with an EA Game Advisor for assistance with this.
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My email is so old AOL deleted it permanently I just want to update the email but can’t verify anything because I need a code from an email that doesn’t exist anymore nothing on your website helps it’s just one endless loop of back-and-forth
- 12 months ago
I'm having the same problem, the email company no longer exists so can't possibly get the code. I went through the process of finally getting through to so called customer support, gave them all the information I had and still they couldn't give me access, I've moved house probably 4 times and have changed god knows how many credit cards so the chances of me giving them the info they want is very low... Did anyone manage to solve this issue?
- 8 months ago
did you manage to fix this? I have the same problem
thank you
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