Forum Discussion
After playing a full season as a RB, winning the super bowl and then playing 10 weeks the next season my RB save turned into a QB save. I was a 88 OVR RB and now it says I’m a 81 OVR QB, but the depth chart still has me as a RB. I can still play as a RB but I have the stats of a QB
- 3 years ago
Played 2 per season games in one week for the Vikings and now I’m randomly on the chargers
- EA_Illium3 years ago
Community Manager
Hi @3kw3kytnrncr Would it be possible to get further information and we can share this with the team?
Platform(Include which Generation):
PSN ID or Xbox GT:
Type of Network being used:
Date/time issue occurred:
Are you getting an error message?
What were you doing when it happened?
What was the last action you completed before it happened?
How often does the bug occur?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
Also, include any troubleshooting, Screenshots/Clips you might have:- 3 years ago
No matter what console you’re on this always happens. I have a PS5 and it still happens.
- 3 years ago@3kw3kytnrncr You may have been traded
- 2 years ago@3kw3kytnrncr You were traded
- 3 years ago
My game crashed before the Super Bowl on face of the franchise and it says I’m a QB even though I’m a HB but still played me at HB but now I’m a 73 and I can’t earn XP AND I’m a 73 overall now I put so much work into that player
- 3 years ago
I went to play face of the franchise today. I had a 83 overall, level 15 cornerback save in which I was in the Divisional Round. Tried to load in and it says I’m now a 73 overall, level 1, with none of my abilities or anything. It also shows my corner save data is now in place of the QB save data whenever I try to pick a save. Please help. I put so many hours into that play through and it’s basically all gone.
- 3 years ago
Bro same * here!!!!
- 3 years ago
Same but mine was an 80
- 3 years ago
Does anyone have a fix for this!?
- 3 years ago
After the recent update I noticed my level 12 CB was changed to a QB on the Upgrade Skills screen. My upgrades and xp still exist at CB but I am now defaulted to the QB position.
- 3 years ago@Jae75 Happened to my hb turned me into a Qb so I just started another season at HB at least I kept my stats, but starting from preseason sucks
- 3 years ago
Same thing has happened to two different HB seasons. It's getting very frustrating! If I'm doing something wrong, I'd like to know. If not, please fix this crap.
- 3 years ago@Jae75 I just had this come up with my hb. I’m so happy to know there is no update from dev staff(let alone a response)
- 3 years ago
Yeah. same thing happened to me but I'm 3 season in. This * sucks if I have to completely restart. EA IS * TRASH AND I HOPE THEY SEE THIS. Fix your * game you lazy greedy *. If you don't want people to blast you * STOP RELEASING BROKEN GAMES!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
- 3 years ago
Same exact thing happened to me.
- 3 years ago
Did you ever get to his fixed I’m not even in the playoffs but made a lot of progress and this happened to me
- 3 years ago
My face of the franchise I started was a HB level 12 and 82 overall. In week 14. But the game randomly made a new face of the franchise my player as a QB with all my stats and team record of 8-5 but with an overall of 73??? WTF.
And it saved my level 12 82 overall but restarted my season and new contract. But still have all my updated attributes!!
- 3 years ago
Im sure this is happening to other people but I just finished my 1st season as a WR in FoF and when i logged back in my level was reset from 82 to 73 and level 1 and now I'm a QB! Is there a fix to this?
- 3 years ago
Did you get it back? just happened to me too, I’m a QB now got reset to level 1. But on The Yard I’m still my level.
- 3 years ago
Hi I was playing for the bills in madden 23 face of the franchise and when the season ended I signed with them then the draft happened and now I’m on the dolphins for some reason why did this happen?
- 3 years ago
While i was on face of the franchise, i exited out of face of the franchise after everything saved because i was in normal season, and i went to go back into face of the franchise and it said i do not have a halfback career anymore. It switched my halfback career to QB. I do not have any levels or anything. still in mid season. When i enter a season game, it still puts me as Halfback, but i do not have any of my X factors.
- 3 years ago
I’m playing with a halfback but my save somehow is under quarterback tab. When I go to upgrade my skill points the options are for quarterback. How can this be fixed?
- 3 years ago
Same thing happened to me... TWICE. I was hoping the first time it was just a fluke but now I am officially done with the game and probably Madden in general. I told myself I wasnt going to buy it this year after last years issues but enough is enough now. I cant play UT unless I wanna drop $$$$ and now I cant enjoy FoF either. So its an expensive game for franchise mode, wonder if that is broken too? So disappointing...
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