Forum Discussion
Played 2 per season games in one week for the Vikings and now I’m randomly on the chargers
Hi @3kw3kytnrncr Would it be possible to get further information and we can share this with the team?
Platform(Include which Generation):
PSN ID or Xbox GT:
Type of Network being used:
Date/time issue occurred:
Are you getting an error message?
What were you doing when it happened?
What was the last action you completed before it happened?
How often does the bug occur?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
Also, include any troubleshooting, Screenshots/Clips you might have:
- 3 years ago
No matter what console you’re on this always happens. I have a PS5 and it still happens.
- 3 years ago
Is there a fix for this issue yet????I had a QB and HB FotF saves, logged in the morning to find my HB is listed as QB and my original QB file has vanished. My HB now only has QB upgrades available.
Platform(Include which Generation): Xbox Series X
PSN ID or Xbox GT: SNaCKPaCK MT406
Type of Network being used: WiFi
Date/time issue occurred: 11/28/2022 5:25pm Central
Are you getting an error message? No
What were you doing when it happened? Holding my controller and munching on some Doritos
What was the last action you completed before it happened? Loading the game
How often does the bug occur? Permanently I guess
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Read your support forum, talk with devs, order grubhub, start going through code.
Also, include any troubleshooting, Screenshots/Clips you might have:Rebooted, closed game and reloaded,
- 3 years ago
So have y’all found a solution to getting our players back to their original position yet on madden 23
- 3 years ago
I have the same question. Please help!
- 3 years ago
Product: Madden NFL 23
Platform:Xbox one
Which console generation do you have? XBOX ONE X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Hustelman07
Date/time issue occurred 7/1/2023
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Face of the Franchise
Summarize your bug Position of PC changed to quarterback and, save file of original position deleted.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play through fotf, make multiple saves. Play through any but the QB save.
What happens when the bug occurs? When you load to play your game it switches your position to your quarterback. Erasing original position save.
What do you expect to see? I expect my position and player to stay the same until I retire - 3 years ago
Is the issue on madden with the switching of positions fixed yet
- 3 years ago@ghost11101775 Nope. My servers were down around new years and figured they were working on it, but tried every position and it always switches to a qb. I did find a working solution, but you still can't have multiple saves with different positions because it'll switch
- 3 years ago
My gamertag is FTBE Poet and I had this same thing happen to me
- 3 years ago
Platform(Include which Generation):
PSN ID or Xbox GT: Xbox series X
Type of Network being used: Spectrum
Date/time issue occurred: Every day this week February 20, 2023 on.
Are you getting an error message? No error message, just a glitch restart of daily activities then position reset.
What were you doing when it happened? Daily activities.
What was the last action you completed before it happened? Practice field activities.
How often does the bug occur? Every time I play any positions other than QB.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I guess play FF on any position other than QB.
Also, include any troubleshooting, Deleted my current play through multiple times. And deleted and redownloaded the game.
Screenshots/Clips you might have: Nothing to screenshot, just level back to 1 and now building QB stats
- 2 years ago
@EA_IlliumThis was not fixed in more than 7 months. Do you have an idea of what is going on? or if you guys are going to do refunds on this?
- 2 years ago
Will this ever have a fix???
Just recently bought it and it has already happened twice!
Would you give any kind of response or statement?
- 2 years ago
I bought the game a few days ago and this issue has happened every timeI play face of the franchise. It’s absolutely ridiculous. They are just ignoring the issue. There is literally a bug patch somewhere saying they fixed this issue but people are still having it.
- 2 years ago
I bought the game a few days ago and this issue has happened every time I play face of the franchise. It’s absolutely ridiculous. They are just ignoring the issue. There is literally a bug patch somewhere saying they fixed this issue but people are still having it.
- 2 years ago
Glad to see this is still happening 9 months later with no fix.
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