Forum Discussion
Multiple leagues, on multiple platforms are experiencing serious issues.
-Regular season going BACKWARDS to pre-season
-Games NOT saving
-Games save, then stats disappear
-Getting KICKED for inactivity when user is actually active on CFM Hub
-Scenarios, Importing Draft Classes, Set Season Goal, Setting Depth Chart. Upgrading Players. NOT Saving
-Cutting/Signing Players NOT saving
-Users conceding Mid-Game while tied is saved as a tie
-CPU cutting high overall players after Pre-Week 4
-Cap reset is NOT resetting
-Positional changes are NOT saving
-League reverts to All-Pro from All-Madden when a new user joins
Check Twitter. EAMAddenNFL has been tagged @EA_KRAELO has been tagged
- 3 years ago
Also want to add the XP sliders don't work anymore.
Modified them both up and down during my CFM, no change to XP gained during training.
XBOX Series X
- 3 years ago
Check Twitter. EAMAddenNFL has been tagged @EA_KRAELO has been tagged
- 3 years ago
Can we get some feed back here? On anything at all. The 31/32 glitch, the games not saved glitch, franchise reverting. Anything?
- RumOak1633 years agoRising Vanguard
The obvious conclusion is EA is broken, and don't even play their own games.
- 3 years ago
Changing your QBs release doesn’t save. It always goes back to the original. Along with all these other issues that have been listed
- 3 years ago
We have an online franchise on PS5 where I made a trade and after we advance the week, nope, the trade never happened.
Several different issues like that with the franchise not keeping changes.
We just started and are in week 1 of the regular season, so we will see how long it lasts till we are taken back to preseason, etc.
- 3 years ago
Looking for any kind of response. From anyone.
- 3 years ago
Great post. I’ll add to it (and make it even worse lol)
Our 32 team league had similar issues. (Well, technically 30 teams since two of the teams were GLITCHED and UNUSABLE due to a stupid bug that’s been happening since Madden 22 where if a coach retires/get a new user it can glitch out — even on owners only mode it still happens so don’t tell me about this stupid “workaround” BS)
We spent all night drafting our season two rookies, played our week 1 games and then it reverted back to the third overall pick of the draft. So lame and we had to delete the league after that since obviously everyone was demoralized and depressed lol
Of course we had moves reversed, player edits not save, games not save sometimes, etc but the biggest issue is the teams glitch and the draft not going through and reverting back to a previous point instead.
- 3 years ago
The update today is nice, but we need a list of which issues are being addressed. And what we can do, as full 32 team CFMs, in the mean time with workarounds and other solutions. Help us help you here.
- 3 years ago
Our league just suffered the 31/32 CFM glitch. Can we please get an update on if the issue is being resolved, or a work around? Anything would help at this point.
- 3 years ago
Game results are not saving consistently. Various leagues thought we had a fix by checking "Score Summary". This is not the case anymore.
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