Forum Discussion
@Korn8181 wrote:
We understand that it’s not an option. But the real question is why? How is this not in the game ? We can play 4 players online in same online league on different teams but can’t be all on the same team? That makes no sense. People have been asking for this for years why are you guys not allowing it? This needs to be fix. Please add it to madden 21. You PAYING customers want it
No doubt it would be a great addition to the game for those that want to play it. In general, there are thousands of great ideas the development team goes over on what will make the game even better year after year, so because it's not added doesn't mean they don't want it in the game. It could have been a feature they omitted for a different one on a higher priority list. I guess your next question could be, what makes something at a higher priority?
I can't go into the full blown specifics because I'm not part of the game design team, nor can I really speak on their behalf for the decision making. I can say though that for FIFA, they removed tournaments a while back because there simply wasn't a lot of players playing that mode, so they decided to exercise their time into other features. A lot of players requested they wanted it put back into the game, but statistically it was hardly used. I'm not sure what the level of difficulty this request is, however there are also hundreds of other "simple fixes" players are demanding to be at the top of their wish list too. There is an option to play with friends in MUT Squads and The Yard, so maybe it will become a feature for Franchise in the future and they weren't able to integrate it in time.
What I recommend doing in the meantime though is making sure your voice is heard. Submit this request in Madden Voice when it goes live to raise community awareness on it. I've seen this mentioned before, but we haven't had a lot of threads on it nor a thread that really took off with a discussion on it.
As always, we appreciate you coming to the forums to drop us ideas on what you want to make the game more fun. That's what it's really all about here.
Good luck on the field!
Checking back in if this mode will be available for madden 23. Co op online franchise on same team from different consoles. Absolute must need for game as our generation can’t couch madden as much we are in our 30s now. It’s been posted all over these pages for years and still have not gotten it. So frustrating we aren’t heard as paying customers since day 1. We just want to play madden with our friends online like every other game allows except ea sports games. Not mut, not ultimate. I don’t wanna play kids that just run same play everytime. Can we please, I beg you please add this feature finally back into the game
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