Forum Discussion
Same issue here for the last day or so. "The requested league is temporarily unavailable."
Hi, everyone.
Madden NFL 15 services have been shut down, but 18 should still be up as far as I'm aware.
Can you all let me know what Gamertag/PSN ID and console you're playing on?
- 5 years ago
I'm on PS4. Tag is Hot Factor
- 5 years ago
Has anyone gotten answers on this subject? Lots of people having this issue but haven't came here for answers. Would be nice to know whats going on.
- EA_Blueberry5 years ago
Community Manager
@snowkap31 I reached out to the team about it. Being looked into!
- 5 years ago
I’m on PS4 and tag is coachteej
- 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry Xbox one/ shedigGDonnyB
- 5 years ago
I'm on Xbox One and my Gamertag is CloudKing Ninja
- 5 years ago
My tag: kingb1294
League Name: DAUDA (I'm creator)
Other league users: ieatrussians, icyaguars, Mafiosi_Midget
Thanks for the help @EA_Blueberry !
- 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry I'm on PS4 and my gamertag is mhal456. I faced the same problem this morning. I tried restarting my PS4 and deleting and reinstalling madden 18. None of my connected franchises would load. Really hope this can be fixed.
- 5 years ago
Xbox one ... tag: pmmnotmns
- 5 years ago
I’m on an Xbox one and the chat agent told me this is a known issue with no timeline to resolve. Has been down for three days.
- 5 years ago@KGRchitect Thats *. Shouldn't take this long to resolve a problem when your as big as EA is
- 5 years ago@snowkap31 Agree 100%
- 5 years ago
I’m Bearsuperstar69 on Xbox
- 5 years ago
I’m Bearsuperstar69 on the Xbox One
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