Just for giggles...how long is this actually supposed to take. I spoke to a rep....was told to fill out a form that they sent me....tells me to enter an email that have....not linked to my account. I had no other email at the time that wasn't linked to my account. If I had already updated my account years ago with my new email, why is the game still trying to use an old email account. The rep tells me that the old email is linked to my gamertag on PSN. That seems strange considering my current email shows up at EA Sports.....Origin....and on my PSN account. I can't understand why the server would not have changed the email associated with my gamertag...when the update was done previously. This is seriously the dumbest thing I have ever had to deal with. It's only been with this game.
I have played other EA titles....recently....since I updated my account (at least 5 years ago).....never had this isssue... the game just logged right in.
I believe all of these comments about help are just smoke screens because EA doesn't know how to fix the issue. I'm already out money and if this doesn't get resolved in a timely manner....I better get info on how to get my money back and I won't bother with EA anymore.