@EA_BlueberryI'm checking them now. I am running a desktop PC with no ability to use WIFI so a wired connection is the only option.
For others who are following along, here is what I'm doing to troubleshoot in case this helps you identify where your issues are.
1) Go to https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ which is a website that allows you to check if your ports are open against your external IP address.
*edit* In order to properly test UDP ports I had to use this link instead. I much prefer the other site since it provides you your external IP and is much faster but it did not work for testing my UDP ports. This site has a captcha and is slower but it does work and did help me narrow it down - https://www.ipvoid.com/udp-port-scan/
2) Using the link Blueberry provided, scroll down and find your game and system (in this case, Madden 20 PC) For posterity that is
-----UDP 443, 3126, 10000-19999
-----80, 443, 3216, 8080, 8094, 8097, 10000-19999, 42125, 42126, 42210
3) Open those ports/forward them on your router if you haven't already. It may be helpful to add your local machine to the DMZ - AS A TROUBLESHOOTING STEP ONLY. Leaving your machine in the DMZ permanently is not advised as this is a security risk. Putting your machine in the DMZ temporarily however should allow all port traffic and is an effective troubleshooting step for most people, if they can figure it out.
4) I'm using a free port listening software to ensure my local PC is listening on the ports I'm opening on the router. To me this is better than running Origin+Madden20 while also troubleshooting your ports but in theory if Origin and Madden is open your machine should be listening for connections on the ports listed above. Anyway - so I open them on the router first, use the port listener to allow my PC to make connections on the port specified, and testing it against the list of ports provided by Blueberry using the Port Check Tool I listed in step 1.
*3rd edit* - Okay so I cannot post the link for the free port listener tool since that is considered advertising. Best advice I can give is to google for a port listening tool. Good luck.
*edit again* - I should also note for those trying, you can see if the port listening tool is working as expected by running cmd commands. Run cmd and run the command "netstat -ano" without quotes. This should display a list of ports open, listening, whether a connection is already established etc. It's difficult to use real time to monitor your ports but for a check like this to see if a port is actually listening on your machine its perfect. So the steps are to run the command before the listener is on - you hopefully shouldn't see the port in the list. Then run your port listener and then run netstat again - now it should show up in the list and say the port is now listening. Then if you check against it with the port check tool, it should succeed IF the ports are open on your firewall.
Sorry if that is overly complex but if you do all this correctly the Port Check tool should come back and say the port is open. And according to Blueberry's post, all those ports need to be open/reachable in order for Madden 20 to work correctly.
Blueberry - I'll report my findings shortly.