Not enough skill points to purchase this bucket
Product: Madden NFL 19
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Which console generation do you have? XBOX One S
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Farrell Kat
Date/time issue occurred 4/20/19
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Franchise Mode
Which part of the mode? Cloud
Summarize your bug I go to upgrade my player but I am instead greeted with a message that says “not enough skill points to purchase this bucket” regardless of how many skill points I have. Ea help said it would fix itself eventually but two seasons later I have seen no change. I cleared my alternate MAC address and restarted my console and even uninstalled and reinstalled Madden 19 but still have seen no change.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play franchise mode and play as player. This bug seems rare and the few people who I have seen who have also experienced this bug have also found no solution.
What happens when the bug occurs? A message appears saying “not enough skill points to purchase this bucket” regardless of how many skill points I have.
What do you expect to see? I expect my player to be upgraded and have fun playing this game.
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
What is the AMD or Nvidia Model Number of your graphics card?
Enter RAM memory size in GB
It’s been over five years since I had this problem. It looks like there was never going to be a fix for it and I haven’t played a new madden game since. The sad part is I feel like it won’t make a difference in how madden games are made. I feel like it’s not hard to make a game that isn’t broken when madden is successful. I’m waiting for the football games that don’t come from
EA. People only play madden because it’s the only real football game that exists. I hope there comes a time when a football game comes out that is better than madden so people can play a game that isn’t broken and demanding money every chance they get. If you respect yourself, your money, your time, and your experience with games then I encourage you to stop buying new madden games because it’s never going to get better.