Forum Discussion
- 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry I understand. But I'm 90% sure that i played more than 10 Hours (I finished carrier mode !) on my trial version (not with EA Play)
- 5 years ago
Outch, i'm in France, and now, in PS Store, Madden is sold for 45€ !!! But I don't buy it if i'm not sure I can't play.
Please EA, do something, 4 weeks I can't play !!!
- 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry So we have to buy the full game to be able to play? Will anyone be refunded for the trial that doesn’t work?
- 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry It’s pretty funny how the only solution is to buy the full game. Almost makes you think it’s intentional.
- EA_Blueberry5 years ago
Community Manager
@NoahNumbaNine999 wrote:
@EA_Blueberry It’s pretty funny how the only solution is to buy the full game. Almost makes you think it’s intentional.There is no conspiracy here. This is not working as intended for individuals within this thread and it's not impacting everyone. We've escalated details from forum users in here up to the team to investigate this. Play First Trials are a big part of being an EA Play member and we want you to take advantage of that. If an individual is not able to load up a game to play it, that's not going to give a great first impression. So I'm not sure how that strategy would lead to more sales of the game.
We'll do our best to track down updates for you all in here as quickly as we can. Thank you for hanging in there for us, I know it's not always easy to do. - 5 years ago@EA_Blueberry absolutely, it should be a bad strategy !
For information, I tested trial version on my PS4 Pro, not with EA Play, and after update (at begin of october), it was impossible to launch the game (progression bar freezes - 75%)
I try :
- restart internet router
- connexion fiber, and wifi (same router)
- share mobile connection (4G) to connect my PS4
- delete game and files (save, profil, all...) and reinstall it
- change DNS
- power cycle my ps4
- disconnect/reconnect internet during game launch : if ps4 not connected during introduction, I have message 'not connected' and I have menu, but impossible to do something, that explain one thing : game is not freezzing, just progress bar stopped !
- EA Play connection is good with my account on my PS4
- Madden 20 is OK, i played Ultimate Team with my account
It seems to be like if i played trial version, the game eject my connection after october first update. Perhaps developers implemented something which verify some parameters when game is launching (like ea account, authrized licence to play), and game seems to block account (logical for me, I didn't buy the game !). It's like the game don't know trial mode, and don't know what it should do ! - 5 years agoI ALWAYS succeded playing before october, and NEVER begin ning of october. Between this 2 times : an update !
Sorry for my english, I'm french. - 5 years ago
I've had EA access from day one. My question to you sir, why on earth would i (and everyone else in this thread) continue paying for a service that literally doesn't work?
And more importantly, when can we expect our refunds?
- 5 years ago
I buy full version wirh rewards Microsoft and installing other version
- 5 years ago
Yes, the full version work
- 5 years ago@LuNg123456 Interesting !
If i understand, your trial version freezed (not the game, but progression bar), you buy the full game (disc or digital ?), and you can play ?
That could confirm what i wrote before.
Thank you
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