Forum Discussion
Title says it all.
Madden 23 introduces FieldSense which seems great and all... until you realize it's not coming to PC. No idea what y'all are doing anymore. The first year, I understood not porting the next-gen version of the game to PC because the new generation of consoles had just released. But this is the second year, with a full year of development. Nobody can understand why you continue to ignore PC players by giving us old, dated versions of the game and then wonder why the player count on PC is so low. Maybe, it's because PC players are constantly left in the dust, considering there's no support from developers.
- 3 years ago
Let's return the favor and forget Madden when 2k releases
- jimmarshall3 years agoSeasoned Ace@Roninx007 2k does the same thing. for the 3rd year, NBA2k will be last gen on PC.
- 3 years ago
@Roninx007 wrote:Let's return the favor and forget Madden when 2k releases
2k NFL is not really being talked about by even them. Last news was 2+ years ago and it was that the game was delayed at least 2 years. Not currently listed on their games to be released anytime soon. Our best hope is that EA listens and adds some of the stuff we are craving.
And while I am disappointed that this new feature didn't get on PC. For me, the bigger disappointment is that they had a true coach mode (call plays only) in 2008 and not since.- 3 years ago
I can't wait until the new 2k comes out and this garbage company finally has competition. Maybe then they'll treat their audience better. It literally takes more effort to remove the features from the PC build than just literally pushing the build you made for xsx to PC. Ffs. I hate you so hard EA.
- 3 years ago@Roninx007 2k won't be releasing all of it's features either
- DJ_Englishman3 years agoSeasoned Ace
@KMKPC I had not noticed the "Only available..." bit earlier. Thanks for highlighting it and ruining my day mate! 🥜
I don't game on a potato pc, so I kept my wallet shut to M22 over this already. I am really narked by EA who clearly don't want me to buy and enjoy M23 at its glorious best either? 🍂 #Snubbed - 3 years ago
its been talked about enough on this site and has been asked for the past 2 games, WHY IS NEXT GEN NOT ON PC. I don't get it it should be next gen. most pc's have more power then the consoles you are putting next gen on. I feel like it is common sense at this point. why is madden 23 not next gen on pc
- 3 years ago
It's nothing new. Just rehashed * from Madden 17.
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