Forum Discussion
I'll flag down an answer for you. Can you point out where you see information where PC doesn't have the same features as the consoles?
- 3 years ago
I believe they are referencing next gen consoles getting FieldSense and PC being stuck on the previous generation.
- 3 years ago
Hang on a mean to tell me that you're asking us for evidence of what the company you work for is doing? How is the press finding this out but employees are in the dark?
- EA_Blueberry3 years ago
Community Manager
@Findicarton wrote:
Hang on a mean to tell me that you're asking us for evidence of what the company you work for is doing? How is the press finding this out but employees are in the dark?
"Features" was mentioned and we will want to be specific on what we're discussing because that can refer to anything, including game modes.
@CoolwaterPSN wrote:
On this page it states the following...
††FieldSENSE™️ Gameplay System only on PlayStation®️5 and Xbox Series X|S versions.
This is the same way Madden 22 was handled.
†Dynamic Gameday only available on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5
I refuse to buy another madden until EA stops intentionally creating feature gaps between PC and Current Gen Consoles. Additionally, Where is cross play?
Thank you, @CoolwaterPSN
Yes this is accurate. ††FieldSENSE™️ Gameplay System is only on PlayStation®️5 and Xbox Series X|S versions.- 3 years ago
Run it up the ladder that PC gamers want ALL the features. This is absolutely ridiculous that PC is not the same version that PS5 and Xbox Series X/S gets.
As a computer programmer I understand that their can be hurdles, but this is not one of them. Again, I will not buy Madden again until this is resolved. I didn't buy last year, and won't buy next year. Last year I cancelled my EA Play Pro because of it. You're not delivering content I want anymore. I've got old Maddens I can fire up and get the same game. I don't need renamed features or updated rosters.
EA is going down the wrong path here, and eventually it's going to catch up to them. It's sad to see the legacy of John Madden tossed into the trash like this. I'm both disgusted and disappointed.
- 3 years ago
On this page it states the following...
††FieldSENSE™️ Gameplay System only on PlayStation®️5 and Xbox Series X|S versions.
This is the same way Madden 22 was handled.
†Dynamic Gameday only available on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5
I refuse to buy another madden until EA stops intentionally creating feature gaps between PC and Current Gen Consoles. Additionally, Where is cross play?
- 3 years ago
I just had a quick chat with someone at, do not know if this concrete or not.
YOUR CASE SUMMARY#113177687 Will new features be included with Madden 23 PC version?ChatChat Started: Friday, June 03, 2022, 10:59:28 (+0530)Chat Origin: EN_CH_T1_ABAgent Baldev S(4s ) Baldev: Thank you for contacting EA HELP, my name is Baldev, may I start with your first name please?( 14s ) Eric: Eric( 1m 10s ) Baldev: Hello Eric. It's a pleasure, to meet you through chat.Hope you are doing good today?( 1m 18s ) Baldev: What can I help you with today?( 1m 20s ) Eric: Doing well, yourself?( 1m 38s ) Eric: Just wanted to see if you would be able to provide me with an update regarding Madden 23 on PC( 2m 36s ) Eric: Website shows PS5 and XBox getting new feature called fieldsense but last generation consoles are not going to get it( 2m 42s ) Eric: will that be the same case for PC?( 5m 28s ) Baldev: No worries, I will certainly look into this and try my best to help you with the information.( 6m 36s ) Baldev: Pc will get all the features.( 9m 15s ) Eric: Glad to hear that, never see people get a proper response to this on EA forums.( 10m 30s ) Baldev: Yes, I have confirmed and provided you the updated news.( 10m 40s ) Baldev: Apart from this, is there anything else I can help you with?( 11m 18s ) Eric: No, that was it thank you for the update.( 11m 31s ) Baldev: Pleasure and lovely talking to you here.Thanks for contacting EA Help. Have a great day!Chat Ended by: AgentChat Duration: 12m 19sLocation: null, null, United StatesWait Time: 4s- 3 years ago@ericth3r3d So is this conformation we will get next gen he didn't really answer completely I'm hoping he understood your question
- 3 years ago
I can name one it doesn't have the movement next gen had in madden 22
And I dont even know if it will have field sense in madden 23 - 3 years ago
Seriously? If your referring to "consoles" as in old gen you're out of it. Clearly they're asking for new gen equivalent.
- 3 years ago@EA_Blueberry it clearly doesn't have the best features. Stop justifying oblivious product.
- 3 years ago
EA has once again become a household name for being a major disappointment. I’m truly astonished that FIFA 23 will be same across all platforms. Why can’t this be the case with your bread and butter game Madden. I’ll tell you why, because you don’t care. Guarantee there would be more users on PC like myself if the next gen game was actually on PC. I booted up Madden 23 on PC and compared it to my next gen console. PC has old graphics (every player looks like a teddy bear), no momentum abilities like next gen, no presentation/camera features that are on next gen, no precision passing, no FieldSense, the list goes on and on. Just update the game and put the next gen features in please.
- 3 years ago@EA_Blueberry As someone who loves madden and wants to most realistic game available (That's why I got PC, because you can play with much higher power and graphics than console) do me a favor and load into a game on PC, its like I am playing madden 08 on Ps2. All of the body types are HUGE and unrealistic, definetley a downgrade from M22. Features, sure we have the same for XBone and Ps4, but we have PC, that should be neough to say we are missing out on all of the features current gen has.
- 3 years ago
PC does not have the same features as PS5, don’t need an information sheet to point it out to you. I unfortunately paid for the PC version and my Brother has the PS5 version. They are completely different playing experiences.
- 3 years ago@Kysiem24 makes no sense bud
- jimmarshall3 years agoSeasoned Ace@Kysiem24 so many on here never pay attention do they?
- 3 years ago
yes just look at the info at both games they are definitely different that's not hard to find if your having issues reading I would love to speak to your manager the name is Karen and I will not be ok with you lieing to me and everyone on here thanks 😉
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