Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
10 years ago

Losing coins in Madden Mobile 16 Auctions

I started the new season last night.  i got 13,000+ coins doing Live Events and Season play.   i go into auctions and start bidding on multiple Sam Braddfords.  I win the 3rd one i bid on for 2,700 and when i look up at my coins I have less than 1,000.    i go to My Bids and don't see either of the 2 other Sam Braddfords that I bid on, yet i lost those coins.

Also, when bidding it doesn't always refresh saying someone out bid you.

i easily lost 15,000+ coins.


can you help get those back

ID-Deucemydog (signed in via Facebook)

don't know what else you need???


4 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago


    It just happened again....this time I lose 4,800 on an OT that someone else got.   I'm in MY BIDS, shows I'm the High Bidder, then goes to PENDING, and when i refresh the player is gone and so are my coins.


  • EA_Nils's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin
    10 years ago

    @deucemydog2 Hi,

    We ran a maintenance yesterday evening in order to address this issue. 

    Be sure to check your inbox for missing players / coins. If they're still not there please contact an advisor at

    Because of the issues today affecting players, the Auction House TAX will temporarily be set to 0% starting today at 6am EST.

    Players affected by Auction House issues will get additional content as well. We will post more information soon, just keep an eye on the Madden Mobile Twitter Page here:

    Thanks for sticking with us!



  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago
    I wanted Andrew Whitworth LT, he was in AH. I had just over 10,000 coins. By the time we got to 6,400 coin price, I could no longer bid. It said I did not have enough coins. The other player won the auction and now I am missing over 4000 coins. OK, while I was typing, somehow I now have the coins returned. I had more than I previously stated, I have 12,714 coins. Why could I not continue bidding? I really wanted THAT player. This is not OK.If I cannot utilize the coins I have, why even play this game. I am very dissatisfied
  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago

    Some one might be hacking ur account

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