Madden Mobile
Ok so before,yesterday I would get on my iPad and go directly in to madden mobile without having to login in or anything. My account was already linked with Facebook. But starting yesterday when I try to get on madden mobile it makes me login. It says I can login using Facebook so I do. After I enter my Facebook username and password it goes to a screen that says u have already approved madden mobile or something like that. So then it says click open to go back to madden mobile and I do. When it gets back to madden mobile it says login error. So after this kept happening, I decided to see if the same thing happened on my phone because I have the app on my phone and it's the same account as the one on my iPad. So get on it and it asks me to login with Facebook so I do and it once again says something like "u have already approved madden mobile" so after it says that it says open to go back to madden mobile so I clicked it and it took me back to login screen and it logged right in and I started playing it on my phone. What I don't get is why it's not working on my iPad but it is on my phone. I literally went through the same process on both and my phone worked and my iPad didn't. Help!!!!