5 years ago
Madden mobile
Benched players full of old badges. Can't sell or trade what should I do?
Under the Madden Core sets you can find a recycle bag at the bottom when you scroll down. Unused badges can go there. 👍
Benched players full of old badges. Can't sell or trade what should I do?
Under the Madden Core sets you can find a recycle bag at the bottom when you scroll down. Unused badges can go there. 👍
Under the Madden Core sets you can find a recycle bag at the bottom when you scroll down. Unused badges can go there. 👍
Sell them for badges unless 100 then post on auction for 72 hours if you don't get any bites reduce prive by 25% and at least you have coins if not do what I do and just collect badges traded Ken Houston 99OVR and Champ Bailey 99 Legends for Badges, just couldn't get more than 825000 for them if you want to go lower than that you might get paid, I just needed the badges, best of Luck.
This is where my Movers go if they bring it back I will cry but movers badges, and rewind packs go there sometimes 5000 coins and gems