What is going on here????
What did you guys do to this game??? WHY am I starting all over again from scratch?? And where did MY TEAM go??? So I go to play as I normally would each day ... but now EVERYTHING thing is different, and my usual team that I normally play as is now GONE! ERASED! 😫 I was even asked to enter a username and select my favorite team at the main menu just as I did when I first started playing, which I thought was sort of odd to begin ... and instead of my usual Chargers team that I play as, I am now playing as the BILLS! 😵💫 LOL, WTF??? I feel like I'm in some alternate universe or something!
No, I DIDN'T log into the wrong account ... but I DID manage to recover my old account, THANKFULLY because it was backed up to my Google Play Account! But they should've at least let other people know how to recover it just in case it happens to them too! (*by clicking on the 'gear' icon located in the top right-hand corner) Because if I hadn't discovered the troubleshooting section on the EA main site and learned where to go or how to recover my original account, then I'd still be stuck here in the Twilight Zone with that imposter account! 😆