You do raise some valid points as such but some of it is really rather anecdotal.
Some bugs can be fixed quickly and some are so urgent, especially in an online pvp game that such action is even more needed as it affects a lot of people.
That doesn't mean that every bug is easy to fix or a quick fix.
What do you want them to do? Take Eos out of the game temporarily? I dunno how many players affects the bug you have but I haven't encountered it. Sad as it may be, they won't put major resources on short notice to fix an issue that only affects a very limited number of people. How many people are currently affected? Not a clue.
But an online PvP just isn't the same as a single player RPG with MP. And let's be honest, there are a fair few things to patch so an emergency patch only makes sense if there is a single issue that creates big problems.
And yes, I insist on a bit of patience. You paid 90 bucks for the game. So what? I got the deluxe edition, but you make it sound like you just bought a new car or something. It sucks to be blocked somewhere and that should be resolved. But mistakes were made by management and now the devs have to take care of the falll out and every new game has bugs and they don't all get fixed in the first week either. Let them do it in a way that actually addresses a bunch of stuff, instead of an emergency patch to give you what you want and leave everyone elses screaming for an emergency patch for their problem. That's not going to work.
Now I do agree with you on the general communication bit. BW is generally very poor at that. In my years of playing SWTOR (which I've quit playing now) one of my main gripes was the communication or rather lack thereof.
Oh and by the way, Blizzard is a game company, EA is basically an investment company that focuses on games. They'll never care about their games as much as Blizzard does. That's the sad reality of that. I would've liked it much better if Blizzard had bought Bioware but there we are.
I'm not saying that you have no point at all, but I do like to be a bit realistic about things and that includes being a bit more patient to give them time to fix a bunch of stuff and if it's not good enough then you need to talk to BW about a refund. You may feel you're right in your expectations but they're just not realistic. I want BW to do much better also, but I don't expect the world in a week or two. It's better for my health and general sanity that way.