@MEGAF1UX wrote:
@EgoMania this isnt bethesda we are talking about here. ea/bioware is SUPPOSED to be the gold standard in quality.
Well I've played all ME games, all DA games and SWTOR for years. And there's more but those are the big names for ya. Although BW does some things well, they surely suffered from poor management decisions for some years now. Maybe you think they're supposed to be the gold standard in quality but I don't know what you base that on because this BW is not the same as the one that wasn't owned by EA years ago.
Now the Mass Effect franchise is still my favourite and I do like a lot of things in ME:A, but I do try to set more realistic expectations. I mean, in the end the game has a lot of issues and needs some fixes badly. But it's also my view that these fixes are not all 5-minute fixes. So a little patience is required, whether we like to wait or not.
As far as BW's communication...well, that's something they don't have anywhere near the gold standard. It's one of their biggest issues in my view.
So you tell me, if I think their communication sucks and this game has a lot of things that need fixing, why do some people think I am advocating accepting everything lying down?
Clearly people don't know me very well. That's to be expected, but I'll tell you one thing about me. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that riles me up more than people putting words in my mouth based on things I never even said, just because it's what they think I meant. I've fought many battles on the forums in SWTOR and some things actually happened.
For me it's simple. I get angry at times. I might be brutal in some of my commentaries, but I do want to apply some nuance and realism to it. If that equates to giving up in some people's minds then that's on them.
So here is my realism on the topic of BW. They're not the gold standard in quality. Now what do you think makes more sense? If they rate a 5/10 currently on many reviews, does it make more sense to try to get them to 7/10 first or does it make sense to demand 10/10 even if that's not realistic?
You see, everybody is free to decide that for themselves but I prefer setting realistic, achievable goals. So let them bring it up a couple of points first before going to the next level, but I no longer believe that Bioware is going to ever deliver 10/10. Do you?