Forum Discussion
Agreed on the lack of diversity of the planets / weather patterns, at one point I was expecting a massive downpour on the jungle planet to finish the massive rainforest motif going on with that planet only to never see a drop of rain.
I could see why the weather patterns may be limited on consoles due to limited resources, but seriously the option should be there.
For the empty store in NG+ are you between levels 61-70? That's a bug numerous people have come into, basically 1 tier weapons/armor refusing to spawn right. -- This effects not only vendors but the item crates as well.
Another thing broken in NG+
Special/Mission items are not removed from your inventory so it causes certain continuity errors in game "Vague to avoid posting spoilers"
Now something I saw in 1.04 but am not sure if its in 1.05
Relationships don't seem/feel fluid or real much at all... it's all just a "Paint by numbers & Connect the Dots" mashup to get to the fireworks with X before basically getting ignored after that scene.
There's plenty more but it's all been posted to death on the bugs forum so I'll bite my tongue for now 🙂
- 8 years ago
By all means list everything you have noticed or seen, with it all in one place there is a lot more chance of it being seen and being drummed in just how unacceptable it is 😉 The weather effects I gave for examples are also pretty easy to add as shader effects or in-engine just need to use whatever method is more viable from a performance standpoint. I was particularly surprised at the complete lack of creativity (or would it be lack of effort?) on that certain "smashed up planet" where there wasn't even any effects for solar radiation, again something easy to add to the shader code and would not impact performance at all. Assuming Bioware have someone who is competent and can actually code.
The empty stores issue happen for me at 67 and did not fix itself until I leveled up enough to unlock the next tier of weapons and armour, which for me happen at level 71 or 72. You are quite right regards romances as well, it's like a paint by numbers there is no depth or meaning there at all. Also, what is the point in so many romance options when you only get a few scenes where they are considered the "right choice" with a couple characters for fem and male ryder?
I feel so sorry for the voice actors involved with ME:A trying to make something out of the terrible material they were handed. They are good voice actors, Bioware have made them look bad.
While I remember it, something else that is utterly dumb SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT A SPOILER.
- Daddy Ryder dying like he does, the biggest problem on that planet is lack of oxygen, you can't tell me daddy Ryder had never heard of the buddy system it was only 4 bloody minutes the 2 characters could of easily shared oxygen for that tiny amount of time. To make it believable all Bioware had to do is increase the time to like 20 minutes. I'll also give Bioware a sarcastic clap for killing the most interesting and best voice acted character mere minutes into the game.
- 8 years ago
All of these from X-Box One, and as far as I can tell all are cross platform bugs.
Well a few other things I've noticed that I can remember off the top of my head "Haven't played since a bit after 1.05, waiting for 1.06 for NG+"
Crafting the shields quest - unable to complete "Stopping me from a 100% completion ug"
When your twin wakes up, at one point Female Ryder was moving her lips along with Male Ryder's voice when the back of Male Ryder's head was to the camera
Contextual Intercom announcements are a bit messed up on the Nexus & Tempest
Such as
Announcements of issues in Hydroponics LONG after it's been resolved
Sam announcing you have email instead of a strike team available
Visual assets not "Fixed" on the Nexus
There's a mission to track down a power failure, but after that the failed ship components are never fixed and are just left open sparking
NPC banter lines don't register mission completion on the Nexus - Same as above, but instead of a visual queue it's an audio one.
2 Apartment doors remain unlocked post mission completion - Peebee's apartment & Garson's apartment
Morda just Growls at you after you've given her the drive core & settled a colony there.
Eos/Podromos has a console with an active quest marker but no quest given/turn in is there.
Planet/Colony names vanish from the Galaxy map instead of staying visible
Habitat 7 doesn't rename to Ryder-1 after the nice touching event once you get all 6 places up to 100% viability
I'll post more when I remember the items 🙂
- 8 years ago
Ah yes I had completely forgot about some of those (particularly the voice and Nexus announcement ones) and some I just plain hadn't noticed.
To add in a similar vein as those bugs;
- NPCs being completely oblivious to your doings in the world, often shouting at you as you run by or when you try talking to them about things you have long since solved.
- Just what in the hell is with that random drunk NPC by the shuttle pad at Prodromos? You can't talk to it or anything, it's just... there.
- What happen to seeing the Nexus grow and develop as we were promised? Shunting a few boxes out the way and clearing up some clutter here and there does not count, Bioware / EA.
- The Arks you find that are in condition to make it back to the Nexus you are told that is where they will go... yet they never turn up you never see them as part of the Nexus at all, no new areas open up on the Nexus either, its icon / model before docking does not even change to something bigger / more complete.
- Anonymous8 years ago
I completely agree about the relationships. I went through the anticipation and joy of romancing my Angara baby-daddy...only to have options still in the conversation wheel to ask about "Personal" stuff, such as "Do you have a mate?" and the like. It makes no sense to still have those base options once you're obviously that person's significant other.
I kept returning to Jaal thinking I'd get at least ONE cut-scene where we share a kiss or something, like when I romanced Bull and Dorian in DA: I...but no...nothing. I think that's something else the Andromeda developers need to work on. It just seems like romancing someone is useless because there's not even a kissing scene you can just keep playing over and over and to your heart's content, whenever you just want to "steal some time" with your galactic boo. There's nothing tying you to the relationship. Seems pretty empty. It's like, "Oooo, yay, we're mates now! Let's ignore each other from now on."
Seriously, Jaal flirts more with Peebee than me when we're cruising around in the Nomad. I can easily picture Joi Ryder getting irritated, angry, and jealous as she's gunning across the dunes of Elaaden, listening to her man discuss Angaran and Asari mating possibilities, and Jaal telling Peebee how wonderful, fascinating, interesting, sensual, and blah-blah-blah she is. Meanwhile, Joi's the chopped liver, hit-it-and-quit-it one-night-stand. Seriously. Haha.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, is that bug console only? I'm on my 2nd playthrough where I'm trying to make sure I picked up on all the bugs I can (the time spent definitely isn't willing... just a attempt to in time have things fixed and a game worthy of the Mass Effect name) and I haven't encountered that problem with patch 1.05.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx nope, I am playing PC and this happened to me right after the patch, not sure what triggered it, but it seems others are having the same issue.
It's a real pain in the neck, I can't tell if this affects the game at all or is just a journal update error, but right now I have outposts on all worlds and Eos says 0% viability and so do the others. In my post about this bug I wrote down all the steps I did before this happened, basically on Jaal's loyalty mission after killing Akzuul I reloaded the game via autosave and did the last part of the loyalty mission where I didn't kill him in the end. right after that all hell broke loose
- Anonymous8 years ago
My issues:
1. Quests that you've completed, talked to the giver, but you don't get credit for doing and they remain in your quest log as unfinished. (Earning the badge quest on the Nexus)
2. Items that have a quest marker over them but never give you a way to open them. (Gets worse late game)
3. Sam telling me I have email when I don't.
4. Lexi asking to see me in medbay when she has nothing to say.
5. Old dialogue popping up when you walk past an NPC.
6. Asari who are obviously clones. The Asari used to be beautiful - now they all have the same nose, eyes, etc. Lazy!!!!
7. Quests getting stuck, won't complete - particularly bad late in the game.
8. ARs not lethal enough, worse than pistols - lazy!!!
9. Reyes' romance - what a cheat! Romances for heterosexual women sadly lacking!!!!! Liam? ugh, who wants to sleep with a boy? Jaal okay but...he's purple and blue.
10. Game freezing in various and sundry places - it's as if it just gives up. You can be doing nothing and the game freezes and you have to reload.
I play on an Xbox One, with decent internet/wifi.
- 8 years ago
- 8 years agoAnd now some of us can't get back on the Tempest on multiple planets.
Here is my report but I have seen a couple others... 8 years ago
@Sollabe, Jesus christ how in the hell has Bioware managed to add more bugs to this game? Even as a digital buyer I'm certain I have a strong case for pursuing a refund according to trading standard laws in the UK. I am seriously considering that rout to investigate as there are MANY other games that aren't buggy pieces of shat, I could of spent that £37 on far better games.
Out of curiosity has anyone emailed EA tech support and linked them to this thread? I think lots of people need to so as many people as possible see this thread to try and get MEA fixed as at this rate after another patch or two I can see EA just giving up with this game and the only people who lose out is us in that scenario because those thieving * from EA have already made off with our money.
- 8 years ago
I am very understanding about programming because its easy to create a bug when fixing another in a very complex program, and I imagine its the same here. I am frustrated however, I have gotten a lot of good hours out of this game, but I don't know how things can completely break like this, not sure what is actually under the hood of the last update but yea. I am not looking for a refund or anything, I just want it fixed so I can keep going, figured I would post here since your thread is hot. Meanwhile back to doing my college classwork I guess.
BTW on another thread of my issue they did contact support and the advice was reinstall the game on the PS4, didn't work. ☹️
- Anonymous8 years agoThis drives me nuts too, especially since there's an available Outpost at which we could land: "No second landing Zone on Kadara so we can get straight to the badlands."
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx hey there, I noticed you didn't remove the bug - Eos/Podromos has a console with an active quest marker but no quest given/turn in is there.
As far as I can tell, that one is fixed.
another bug I just realized is: although you have the option to choose where to go between Havarl and Voeld, the conversations are set as if you go to Voeld first and then to Havarl.
I found a Datapad during the mission to figure out what happened to the supply cashes and it had a message from Akssul (or however you spell it). and Ryder says : "should I know him?"
If you have Jaal with you he says : "That is for another time" but if you have been to Havarl, you already know who he is...
Oh and you fight the Rokkar and Ryder says : "Why are Angarans attacking us"
This is totally fuc*ked up...they don't even know how to set the conversations right.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, removed from first post, and yup, that is totally messed up. Makes you wonder if anyone playtested the game at all.... theres so many bugs I have to lean towards "no" as the thought of the game being playtested and the devs ignoring all of these issues is utterly spine chilling. Inept buffoons deserved being split up and essentially absorbed it to other Bioware teams where they will now essentially do nothing but fetch coffee for people that actually know what they are doing.
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