Forum Discussion
Agreed on the lack of diversity of the planets / weather patterns, at one point I was expecting a massive downpour on the jungle planet to finish the massive rainforest motif going on with that planet only to never see a drop of rain.
I could see why the weather patterns may be limited on consoles due to limited resources, but seriously the option should be there.
For the empty store in NG+ are you between levels 61-70? That's a bug numerous people have come into, basically 1 tier weapons/armor refusing to spawn right. -- This effects not only vendors but the item crates as well.
Another thing broken in NG+
Special/Mission items are not removed from your inventory so it causes certain continuity errors in game "Vague to avoid posting spoilers"
Now something I saw in 1.04 but am not sure if its in 1.05
Relationships don't seem/feel fluid or real much at all... it's all just a "Paint by numbers & Connect the Dots" mashup to get to the fireworks with X before basically getting ignored after that scene.
There's plenty more but it's all been posted to death on the bugs forum so I'll bite my tongue for now 🙂
By all means list everything you have noticed or seen, with it all in one place there is a lot more chance of it being seen and being drummed in just how unacceptable it is 😉 The weather effects I gave for examples are also pretty easy to add as shader effects or in-engine just need to use whatever method is more viable from a performance standpoint. I was particularly surprised at the complete lack of creativity (or would it be lack of effort?) on that certain "smashed up planet" where there wasn't even any effects for solar radiation, again something easy to add to the shader code and would not impact performance at all. Assuming Bioware have someone who is competent and can actually code.
The empty stores issue happen for me at 67 and did not fix itself until I leveled up enough to unlock the next tier of weapons and armour, which for me happen at level 71 or 72. You are quite right regards romances as well, it's like a paint by numbers there is no depth or meaning there at all. Also, what is the point in so many romance options when you only get a few scenes where they are considered the "right choice" with a couple characters for fem and male ryder?
I feel so sorry for the voice actors involved with ME:A trying to make something out of the terrible material they were handed. They are good voice actors, Bioware have made them look bad.
While I remember it, something else that is utterly dumb SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT A SPOILER.
- Daddy Ryder dying like he does, the biggest problem on that planet is lack of oxygen, you can't tell me daddy Ryder had never heard of the buddy system it was only 4 bloody minutes the 2 characters could of easily shared oxygen for that tiny amount of time. To make it believable all Bioware had to do is increase the time to like 20 minutes. I'll also give Bioware a sarcastic clap for killing the most interesting and best voice acted character mere minutes into the game.
- 8 years ago
All of these from X-Box One, and as far as I can tell all are cross platform bugs.
Well a few other things I've noticed that I can remember off the top of my head "Haven't played since a bit after 1.05, waiting for 1.06 for NG+"
Crafting the shields quest - unable to complete "Stopping me from a 100% completion ug"
When your twin wakes up, at one point Female Ryder was moving her lips along with Male Ryder's voice when the back of Male Ryder's head was to the camera
Contextual Intercom announcements are a bit messed up on the Nexus & Tempest
Such as
Announcements of issues in Hydroponics LONG after it's been resolved
Sam announcing you have email instead of a strike team available
Visual assets not "Fixed" on the Nexus
There's a mission to track down a power failure, but after that the failed ship components are never fixed and are just left open sparking
NPC banter lines don't register mission completion on the Nexus - Same as above, but instead of a visual queue it's an audio one.
2 Apartment doors remain unlocked post mission completion - Peebee's apartment & Garson's apartment
Morda just Growls at you after you've given her the drive core & settled a colony there.
Eos/Podromos has a console with an active quest marker but no quest given/turn in is there.
Planet/Colony names vanish from the Galaxy map instead of staying visible
Habitat 7 doesn't rename to Ryder-1 after the nice touching event once you get all 6 places up to 100% viability
I'll post more when I remember the items 🙂
- 8 years ago
Ah yes I had completely forgot about some of those (particularly the voice and Nexus announcement ones) and some I just plain hadn't noticed.
To add in a similar vein as those bugs;
- NPCs being completely oblivious to your doings in the world, often shouting at you as you run by or when you try talking to them about things you have long since solved.
- Just what in the hell is with that random drunk NPC by the shuttle pad at Prodromos? You can't talk to it or anything, it's just... there.
- What happen to seeing the Nexus grow and develop as we were promised? Shunting a few boxes out the way and clearing up some clutter here and there does not count, Bioware / EA.
- The Arks you find that are in condition to make it back to the Nexus you are told that is where they will go... yet they never turn up you never see them as part of the Nexus at all, no new areas open up on the Nexus either, its icon / model before docking does not even change to something bigger / more complete.
- 8 years ago
Talking about the Nexus & Arks
Ok EA/Bioware, please tell me how you plan to dock 5 Arks simultaneously in 4 Docking Bays
Yes, I know the Turian one is incapable of making the trip now, and the Human one is now the central hub on Meridian, but that seems like a pretty big design flaw if you ask me.
Now touching on the "Development" of outposts, or lack thereof... I'd say whenever there's a colony development item that happens, we should get an Email about it requiring acknowledgement and a visit to the colony before it can expand again possibly with special events...
IE if Dunn survives the crash & you max out Eos, have Bradley invite you to dinner to celebrate & see Dunn helping him cook dinner before your arrival shocks her and makes her blush while running her mouth at 10,000mph to please keep it a secret for now.
Also, you know what somewhat irked me... we were told we'd have to really dig to find out what happened to the Quarien Ark, only to have alarms going off & smacked in the face with a trout after tripping over the NPC to spoonfeed you the info postgame.
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