Forum Discussion
I so totally agree, the guns you mentioned (which I found by accident) are so over powered... killing a boss is now nothing to me with these weapons whereas with the other weapons it was nearly impossible to vanquish a boss.
Now the strongest of the enemies soldiers are dead by 2 maybe 3 shots if they get lucky and I miss their heads (my sniper rifle damage is 1144 if I remember correctly).
It seems like they did no QA what so ever on this game, I mean seriously, you can find millions of gamers who will test your games for free just to get the option of playing the game early on.
The augments are so stupid in this game that I would not use them at all.
The whole weight vs recharge is insane.
And the favorite skill tree vs what we had in previous ME's?? don't get me started... seriously... THREE powers?? what the * Bioware? in ME 1 you had NINE!!!
This whole pressing tab to bring up the weapons and inventory in the middle of the fight is useless and where did the omni-gel option to revive team mates go??? or am I just missing it for the past 60+ hours (not to mention it took me a while to figure out the tab button...I didn't even have a chance to learn it at the beginning of the game, like in ME 1 2 AND 3 where you had a quick tutorial on the buttons).
All in all, if they even dare ask for a cent for a DLC for this game (at least for the first ones, depending on how many they have in mind), I am sure this will be the end of the ME series for a while.
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