Forum Discussion
@ketxxx you are so right on the money in your post, this is totally insane, I mean seriously, they already had ME3!! why couldn't they just build on that?
Yes, I figured out the health and ammo crates early on in the game, but seriously, why couldn't they have a quick tutorial on first mission like the other ME's did (like pressing ALT to switch position behind cover is basic knowledge).
and not being able to equip a gun when in inventory? what the heck?? I seriously almost broke my screen when I first noticed this sh**t.
and I love the remark someone put up that the long loading screen on Kadara is to allow loading the map...the Nexus is WAY bigger and has WAY more details in it and so do other maps in the game, how does that even make any sense to anyone?
The way your teammates react to your orders is also full of it, I used to use this option in all other ME's and it worked great. send one squad member to flank the enemy while you and another squad member provide suppressive fire.
now I ask them to stand somewhere and they just guard that area without even shooting at the enemy, only if an enemy comes close do they move their *.
- Kadara port landing zone, was just about to ask the same question, why can't I land in the new outpost I established?
- I don't understand what they did with all the different materials they want us to collect (AND WHY THE HELL IS IT IN MY INVENTORY???? WHY AM I WALKING AROUND WITH 2000 PIECES OF IRON???).
they added andromeda tech, milky way tech and remenent tech but everything is way under powered than what I have now it doesn't make sense to build anything, so I have no use of the mining zones or anything else for that matter.
- why can't I equip better weapons for my squad? I mean what good is it to find or create gear if you can do it only for yourself? once you have the best weapons that finishes that part of the game for you, so no need to take anything from any fallen enemy or crates or anything.
- on your question about hard difficulty, I did! I am playing on one under insane I think , don't think I went for insane, but I first encountered the Cardinal (I think that's what she is called, the boss on Voeld) I had an N7 assault rifle and another gun and shotgun (no sniper rifle), there is no way in HELL you can beat that boss with those weapons, believe me I tried everything.
I was playing that fight for about 2 hours until I decided to load a previous saved game and get myself a sniper rifle (guess which one 🥳).
Oh which reminds me of a bug, I got to Voeld and that was the first mission I did as I saw the shuttle and talked to the pilot and then said let's go, it screwed up the whole conversation for Voeld as there were Angaras that didn't like me and then said THANK YOU for rescuing the Moshae (or whatever she is called), so decide you like me or not?
I love how you break down all the bugs in the game, this should totally go to the devs, but I don't think they will give us the basic courtesy of even answering this post.
@JeRabo81 I seriously thought I was the only one that thought the Kett look exactly like the collectors so I launched ME2 to see if I am right....guess what...
@ensiform I think it is safe to say Bioware is to be blamed here, this is not a EA call although EA has made calls like this before (SIMCITY anyone?).
But there is a HUGE difference between releasing as game which is almost finished and has a few quirks in it to releasing a game that simply ISN'T working, not to say has SO many things missing or done in such horrible ways (see above comments and @ketxxx review).
It seems to me they didn't even play the game before they launched it, and like I said in a different post, there are MILLIONS of gamers which would gladly volunteer to QA the game before lunch day, hell I would!
All these bugs would be seen at first glance once they RAN THE GAME.
So I guess Bioware owes me 60 Euro's...or at least a working game!
I am a huge ME fan, I got ME2 AND 3 pre ordered and that is what I also did for MEA. but this is f*cked up. I have NEVER in my life seen such poor excuse for an RPG game.
I mean SimCity was the worst I have EVER seen, still is! but after playing all the ME's I think we can honestly say this is the worst RPG game they have ever come up with, and they didn't have to come up with anything new, if they took ME3 and just made a new story with the same graphics and controllers people would be jumping through the roof.
I seriously hope we get an answer on this post.
We can hope, but I doubt we will. All we can really hope for is that the right people see this thread and a lot of the issues at least get fixed. Lackluster character creation is the least of this games problems IMO, and in fact I did manage to create a pretty decent looking femryder. Took maybe 30mins - ~1hr to do, but it is possible.
No more bugs to list at this time, I will probably go back over the thread, categorise and add everything to the first post at some point in the near future so everything is there at a glance to be seen.
- Anonymous8 years agoIf one of you has a twitter account, just sent BioWare or Mike Gamble the link to this thread here via twitter. Maybe they will take a look.
- 8 years ago
I don't have a twitter account but everyone who does, feel free to post this link to Biowares twitter page. I've also just finished categorising and editing the first post, includes everything found and mentioned in this thread so far.
Also, anyone else notice how the archon sounds exactly like harbinger?
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx and I thought I was the last one without a twitter/facebook/instagram/snapchat account...guess I am not in bad company after all 😉
Loved! the new categorization of the opening post, hell, this should go into basic QA teachings at school.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, Heh the amount of idiots I've seen on twitter just steeled my cause as to why I shouldn't have a twitter account 😉 Someone is going to have to get one though in order to give the devs a link to this thread if nobody has done so already that is.
Glad you like the merging, it took ages lol. Its astounding so many of these issues got ignored pre-release (I refuse to accept they were not known about especially as so many of them are so obvious). Gamers can justly feel aggrieved by the state of Andromeda, and for any game modder it's three times worse and really makes us cringe.
- 8 years ago
Something else staring everyone in the face but I don't think anyone has mentioned or picked up on so I'll bring it up and add it to continuity problems. FemRyder in armour, why is she wearing a lazy slightly tweaked male model of the armour?
Very, very poor.
- Anonymous8 years ago@Xx-Gimmle-xX Nope, you are not the only one who has no twitter/facebook account. I don't have those accounts either. I also don't use whatsapp, hell, I even don't have a cell phone. Only servants are always reachable. 😉 @ketxxx Great job with the categorization. Thanks alot for your work with it!
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx add the bug where completed task reappear in the journal and planet viability goes down to 0% even though you have outposts on them.
I opened a post on this a while back, seems like it is spreading 🤭
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