Forum Discussion
@JeRabo81, Sadly, I think you are right.. despite Bioware and EA doing absolutely nothing to deserve even a penny more from anyone who has bought MEA. Any DLC for MEA should straight up be a "We're Sorry". Go to youtube if you can't hear English Liam in your game you will soon see why I simply left it at "kill him". He is the most whiny incompetent fool with a irritating voice to boot. I REALLY didn't like Jacob because of his kind of whiny nature but he was nowhere near as bad as Liam. I don't like how you are put in the position of Bioware trying to force Liam on to the player as their "best bud" either. I was seriously hoping Liam would get spaced during "that mission". :D
SAM is also the most dull character I have ever had to endure in a game, if Bioware wanted SAM to kind of resemble Alec ok I get that, but to get it to work and be organic Alec needed to be kept around I can even imagine some quite funny moments between SAM and Alec as SAM becomes more "organic" working on his humor by trying to tell Alec a joke. Without Alec SAM is just a irritating voice you can't mute.
@nerdsrus45, If you happen to see Bioware respond to what you posted with this link on twitter let us know it would be interesting to see what they say.
I had to stop playing immediately to bring this one up! On the Nexus, the PA announcements I suppose their meant to be, the voice that says someone has died but the name is being withheld until next of kin in the Milky Way is notified. WHAT IN THE * BIOWARE!!! Any "next of kin" is 634 years dead. By the time a message is sent back to the Milky Way, assuming you can send it at the same speed the Arks traveled it would be 1268 years any "next of kin" would be over a millennia dead! Never mind that whole family line more than likely just won't be around any more and who in the hell assuming by some miracle that family line hasn't died out is going to dig back over 1268 years of family tree history just to go "oh yeah, he was a member of our family waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Oh well."
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx I noticed that one as well, it seemed really stupid to me for apparent reasons, not sure what they thought over there at BIOWARE when they made that dialog.
maybe they figured because sound travels faster than light, it would get to the milky way faster so it would take only half the time to travel (sarcasm).
regarding the characters -
Almost agreed with you on everything, although I kind of like Peebee she is funny in some sort of way, can't put my finger on it yet, but I like having her in my squad, what more that my combos go great with her biotic skills so having 4-5 enemy cannon fodder fly off the screen is pretty funny sometimes.
totally agree that Alec should have been the main character in this game, would have made a far better game with him in it.
Liam - BIOWARE, PLEASE make a dlc where we can shoot him!
in ME 1 and 3 I loved what they did with Ashley, I don't understand how hard it was to recreate a version of her, she was the best character (IMO) in those two games.
Explain to me why the heck we can't decide which skills to give the characters, I mean, you can decide a character will be a biotic / soldier / tech but at least give us the option of deciding which skills to invest in!
I think ME1 did this the best can't remember if ME2 started the whole "we decide what they will have" or not.
I feel like the characters stories are more of a hassle in this game than a real interesting prospective on where the characters came from, I really don't give a * about them in this game.
oh almost forgot, I died laughing with your Soduku reference 😃
I don't even understand how they decided the complexity of them as I found puzzles that were really hard and some which were easy as pie (I think the hardest one was in Elaaden if that is what that planet is called, inside the vault and it didn't even do anything just gave you some extra xp).
why not keep those hack puzzles, they were fun and most importantly QUICK.
And just a small opinion -Seriously, we just got to a NEW galaxy and meet a new enemy (great!) but how quick do the Angara let us in, I mean seriously, make it A LITTLE more believable, after 10 hours of gameplay you already have an embassy in a world that has only known the kett.
Also, how is it that they also call them Kett? when you first get to the Hyperion they tell you "we call them Kett" but somehow EVERYONE DOES!
- WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER RACES!! come on BIOWARE we had a whole galaxy FULL of races:
ELCOR, DRELL, HANAR, VOLUS, BATARIANS, QUARIANS (seriously!!!! where the * are the Quarians!) there were also the Vorcha but I do understand why you wouldn't want them on your ship...I mean you want us to believe that the initiative just FORGOT about all these other races and didn't let them join????
I can really see THAT conversation happen..."hey guys we have this new project to inhabit a new galaxy...but...we don't want to take you with stay here with the reapers".
I mean, the story could have been that the initiative decided to send samples of ALL the races to another galaxy in case the reapers win and the milky way is annihilated.
but then comes this question:
The reapers were a far more superior race, far more technologically advanced (THEY COULD TRAVEL THROUGH DARK SPACE!!! REMEMBER, THEY LITERALLY CAME FROM THERE) so you want to tell me that they didn't notice these ships traveling through???
and they for some weird reason DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS NEW GALAXY???so many holes in this story I can't even start explaining it!
- 8 years ago
Any "next of kin" is 634 years dead. By the time a message is sent back to the Milky Way, assuming you can send it at the same speed the Arks traveled it would be 1268 years any "next of kin" would be over a millennia dead!
Asari live for over a thousand years. QEC and other communications are far, far faster than 600 years away. I suspect that originally it wasn't supposed to be quite so long ago, but was adjusted during the writing/creative process. So those are "no-prize" solutions.
- 8 years ago
@arthurh3535, Regardless of race my immediate thought went to the Reapers invading 6 months or less after the Arks left, we all know the colossal death toll in ME3 so it is 99.99% certain any next of kin is most definitely dead. While its not commonly known why the initiative left the Milky Way everybody does seem to understand it was because of some kind of big threat that threatened everything in the Milky Way so from there it doesn't take a genius to work out there is probably nothing left in the Milky Way so sending any kind of message is just pointless from their perspective. No matter how I look at that dialog, it just doesn't make sense.
@Xx-Gimmle-xX, You can choose how the powers other characters have level up, just disable auto-leveling 😉 I agree the characters stories are a chore, just like 99% of the tasks (no markers means theres FAR too much aimless wandering trying to find what the hell you need Bioware). The hardest Sudoku puzzles are on Elaaden and the puzzle in the vault particularly actually has more than one solution but theres only one programmed solution thats been programmed to be "correct". This is not how a puzzle works Bioware, if there is more than one solution to a puzzle it is either meant to have multiple solutions, or you have screwed up with the puzzle, its that simple.
Regards the other races, I think its lazy not to see a few more even if you don't get to meet them properly the player may be isolated from the rest of Andromeda but Andromeda is not isolated from the rest of Andromeda. Everybody heard the same thing when it comes to the Quarians, apparently we could meet them but we had to REALLY work to find out what happened to them... so simply we have been short changed here and had something ripped away we were meant to experience. The Quarian Ark is also meant to carry the other races, not just Quarians but Hanar, Drell, Elcor, etc as well. I don't actually like this approach if we are going to see all the bloody Milky Way races in Andromeda for christ sake Bioware you should of STAYED in the Milky Way! Is 99% of the Milky Way left to explore not enough for you you really needed that whole 1% more? It would of been so easy to write a script for new characters post ME3 events in a uncharted part of the MW not knowing anything apart from their mass relay blowing up and a strange "death machine" that was slaughtering them and a few other races in nearby star systems abruptly "dying". Yes this means you wouldn't play as a human or have any human squad mates. I even know what the main enemy would be like but I won't mention that can't have Bioware ripping off ideas 😉 I have a far better story than what Bioware came up with for Andromeda too... without giving anything away lets just say it onvolves races that hundreds of thousands of years prior escaped different galaxies (milky way included) fleeing not only the Reapers (in my story you find out Reapers "preserved" more than just races from the Milky Way) as well as fleeing from something only known as "vegre", described by some races histories as "destroyer of stars" or the "black hole bringer".
My fees are £20 per hour Bioware.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxxRegardless of race my immediate thought went to the Reapers invading 6 months or less after the Arks left, we all know the colossal death toll in ME3 so it is 99.99% certain any next of kin is most definitely dead.
That's meta-knowledge. The guy talking talking would have no reason to know about the Reapers so would think that there is someone back in the Milky Way.
- 8 years ago
How is it meta knowledge when its quite widely seen that everyone in the initiative doesn't know exact details but the point in the initiative was to leave the MW to avoid a impending threat of considerable proportions. Even if you ignore that, and assume the dead person is Asari, it is bought up a lot that Asari live for 1000 years, not much over that, so by the time any message gets back to the MW, any Asari next of kin would of still been dead for well over 200 years so again, the announcement is somewhat daft still.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx wrote:
How is it meta knowledge when its quite widely seen that everyone in the initiative doesn't know exact details but the point in the initiative was to leave the MW to avoid a impending threat of considerable proportions. Even if you ignore that, and assume the dead person is Asari, it is bought up a lot that Asari live for 1000 years, not much over that, so by the time any message gets back to the MW, any Asari next of kin would of still been dead for well over 200 years so again, the announcement is somewhat daft still.
Actually, from Alec's logs and memories, we know that the leadership knew something was coming down the pike (Reaper Invasion) but that they didn't tell anyone else. So to everyone else, as far as they know, everyone is fine and civilization is going great back home. Ryder is the only one that knows that they may be the last living people of Council Space.
And like I mentioned before, it isn't a 600+ year loop to send messages back. QEC is instantaneous no matter how far you are.
- 8 years ago
And like I mentioned before, it isn't a 600+ year loop to send messages back. QEC is instantaneous no matter how far you are.
@arthurh3535 in that case, they should all already know what happened on earth and all these side quest missions that mention cerberus and other things that happened on ME1-3 instead of rayder asking what those things are he should already know (I mean if I was asleep for 600+ years and woke up and had an instant way to connect with home the first thing I would do is learn what happened in the past 600 years!, doesn't make a lot of sense to me).And like I said before, if the reapers live in dark space, how can BIOWARE explain the fact that the initiative traveled dark space without them noticing them, and how is it that the reapers don't know about andromeda? again, no sense what so ever.@ketxxx - I don't use the auto level up option, what I meant was, in ME1 you could choose between singularity / shockwave / throw / push / pull or any other biotic power (or tech or soldier) now (If I didn't miss anything) all characters besides yourself come with built in powers so you can't change it (e.g. give Cora singularity ability instead of Nova).LOL add to the bug list that the forum has bugs ... I have no idea why this font came up... - 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX wrote:
And like I mentioned before, it isn't a 600+ year loop to send messages back. QEC is instantaneous no matter how far you are.
@arthurh3535 in that case, they should all already know what happened on earth and all these side quest missions that mention cerberus and other things that happened on ME1-3 instead of rayder asking what those things are he should already know (I mean if I was asleep for 600+ years and woke up and had an instant way to connect with home the first thing I would do is learn what happened in the past 600 years!, doesn't make a lot of sense to me).And like I said before, if the reapers live in dark space, how can BIOWARE explain the fact that the initiative traveled dark space without them noticing them, and how is it that the reapers don't know about andromeda? again, no sense what so ever.QEC requires an uninterrupted communication chain and the FTL com buoys are probably near real time, but you need both ends effectively. The Initiative probably isn't letting people know that there is no communication with the Milky Way. Heck, the Nexus leadership probably doesn't realize that this is that out of norm. The only one that even knows about the start of the invasion is Ryder.
Your first point is easy. Space is huge and at the time you left, the Reapers were travelling towards the Milky Way. Easy for ships to "pass in the night" and miss each other. The Reapers may very well have known of the Andromeda expedition. And if they had won the war, probably would have caught up and destroyed the fleet mid-flight.
- 8 years ago
That pretty much shoots your own argument down I don't need to... the instant anyone tries to send that message they will see there is no active comm network back to the MW so the PA news announcement is still stupid.
Got another bug as well, the task the Turian gives you on the Nexus to find his buddy (which you end up finding in that dark corner at the "underworld" bar on Kadara) if you examine the body you'll get a email from that Turian thanking you before you have even talked to him and picked the task up. lol.
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