Forum Discussion
I had to stop playing immediately to bring this one up! On the Nexus, the PA announcements I suppose their meant to be, the voice that says someone has died but the name is being withheld until next of kin in the Milky Way is notified. WHAT IN THE * BIOWARE!!! Any "next of kin" is 634 years dead. By the time a message is sent back to the Milky Way, assuming you can send it at the same speed the Arks traveled it would be 1268 years any "next of kin" would be over a millennia dead! Never mind that whole family line more than likely just won't be around any more and who in the hell assuming by some miracle that family line hasn't died out is going to dig back over 1268 years of family tree history just to go "oh yeah, he was a member of our family waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Oh well."
@ketxxx I noticed that one as well, it seemed really stupid to me for apparent reasons, not sure what they thought over there at BIOWARE when they made that dialog.
maybe they figured because sound travels faster than light, it would get to the milky way faster so it would take only half the time to travel (sarcasm).
regarding the characters -
Almost agreed with you on everything, although I kind of like Peebee she is funny in some sort of way, can't put my finger on it yet, but I like having her in my squad, what more that my combos go great with her biotic skills so having 4-5 enemy cannon fodder fly off the screen is pretty funny sometimes.
totally agree that Alec should have been the main character in this game, would have made a far better game with him in it.
Liam - BIOWARE, PLEASE make a dlc where we can shoot him!
in ME 1 and 3 I loved what they did with Ashley, I don't understand how hard it was to recreate a version of her, she was the best character (IMO) in those two games.
Explain to me why the heck we can't decide which skills to give the characters, I mean, you can decide a character will be a biotic / soldier / tech but at least give us the option of deciding which skills to invest in!
I think ME1 did this the best can't remember if ME2 started the whole "we decide what they will have" or not.
I feel like the characters stories are more of a hassle in this game than a real interesting prospective on where the characters came from, I really don't give a * about them in this game.
oh almost forgot, I died laughing with your Soduku reference 😃
I don't even understand how they decided the complexity of them as I found puzzles that were really hard and some which were easy as pie (I think the hardest one was in Elaaden if that is what that planet is called, inside the vault and it didn't even do anything just gave you some extra xp).
why not keep those hack puzzles, they were fun and most importantly QUICK.
And just a small opinion -
Seriously, we just got to a NEW galaxy and meet a new enemy (great!) but how quick do the Angara let us in, I mean seriously, make it A LITTLE more believable, after 10 hours of gameplay you already have an embassy in a world that has only known the kett.
Also, how is it that they also call them Kett? when you first get to the Hyperion they tell you "we call them Kett" but somehow EVERYONE DOES!
- WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER RACES!! come on BIOWARE we had a whole galaxy FULL of races:
ELCOR, DRELL, HANAR, VOLUS, BATARIANS, QUARIANS (seriously!!!! where the * are the Quarians!) there were also the Vorcha but I do understand why you wouldn't want them on your ship...
I mean you want us to believe that the initiative just FORGOT about all these other races and didn't let them join????
I can really see THAT conversation happen..."hey guys we have this new project to inhabit a new galaxy...but...we don't want to take you with stay here with the reapers".
I mean, the story could have been that the initiative decided to send samples of ALL the races to another galaxy in case the reapers win and the milky way is annihilated.
but then comes this question:
The reapers were a far more superior race, far more technologically advanced (THEY COULD TRAVEL THROUGH DARK SPACE!!! REMEMBER, THEY LITERALLY CAME FROM THERE) so you want to tell me that they didn't notice these ships traveling through???
and they for some weird reason DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS NEW GALAXY???
so many holes in this story I can't even start explaining it!
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