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@Xx-Gimmle-xX, I... am completely lost for words. Moral support from beyond the grave? 😛
EDIT - Something else I noticed but won't add it as a game balancing issue... yet. Research points MEA is very stingy in giving out. By my estimates someone would need to play the game through 5-6 times to research everything... your game isn't that good Bioware, most people are finding it a chore and a slog playing it once, never mind 5-6 times.
You know... something else I was thinking doesn't make any sense continuity wise...
Where's the Quantum Entanglement communication node back to the Milkyway Galaxy?
This would have made numerous things possible that a trip like this would have wanted/required.
2 way communications with Families back home, as well as anyone affiliated with the Andromeda Initiative who didn't make the trip
Scientific advances being relayed
Intelligence on the Reapers & their war -- I know I know ME3 has no effect on MEA, so the lack of that intel could be either the Milkyway relay was destroyed or agents of the backer had scrubbed the data after retrieving it.
However yes, I'm aware this may never come to light in game as it'd be a reversal of the events of ME3 will not have an effect on MEA
- 8 years ago
@Pyro411,I think the assumption would be theres one in operations and Tanns office, but that raises even more loopholes then because anyone that tries sending a message to the MW will immediately notice there is no comm network. With Tann being such a underling like he was I doubt anyone told him about the upcoming Reaper War, it would be nice to have a few characters that come to light that did know about it though and everyone finds out if nothing else it would add a new twist, provide motivation to survive and generally make the story more interesting. Someone really didn't think the story through at Bioware if you ask me let alone be fully familiar with the events of the last 3 games. Bioware needed a Mass Effect fan writing the story familiar with its intricate details, theres plenty of great writers and directors out there that used to love Mass Effect now I don't think anyone would want to associate themselves with this series. If you needed further proof of this, just look how silent all the voice actors have gone they are probably all rightly worried about how much Bioware and EA have damaged their reputations with this game. Ironically, its the character that dies in MEA that have their reputation enhanced, Clancy Brown was simply phenomenal in his brief appearance as Alec Ryder in the game. Gave me the same chills as that epic moment Shepard becomes a Spectre, or more specifically, if you picked the right options as femshep to keep it "all business". The delivery of those lines by all voice actors involved plus the music in the background was perfect. Better than perfect, in fact. It is a standard Bioware have fallen oh so very far from with MEA.
- 8 years ago
When it comes to lack of comm network I had a thought on that as well...
In the extended endings of ME3, if you basically tell Star Child to fly a kite, it shows a computer with an antenna still functional for the next cycle. I was assuming something like that could be put into place as a relay point. Also with the lack of communications back & forth so far, that could easily be explained away by it being above Tann's pay grade... possibly a breadcrumb quest for Ryder/Sam to unlock at some point.
For that quest I'd say have it buried so deep in flavor text that it'd be one of the really rare secret achievements/trophy for the game "Communication's Restored"
Now if they actually did put it in, I'd be pretty shocked, but hey this is EA we're talking about, so likely it'll be a DLC disguised as Customer Feedback wanting to know what happened to Shepard & Co
- 8 years ago
If I'm honest I thought things like this would be explained in the story. My hopes for MEA were very muted with all the suspicious silence and lack of information about the game and I said in quite a few places how dodgy all that silence and lack of info looked but even I couldn't set the bar low enough for myself to prepare for the eventuality of what MEA turned out to be. You know you done facked up when you disappoint those who are already expecting to be disappointed - the bar simply doesn't get any lower.
- Anonymous8 years ago
I ran both of the programs, and they both checked out fine. No it looks like poorly coded Bioware stuff is to blame on my issues. GG
- 8 years ago
@Dutchoper72, that does seem like the case. Theres some other basic stuff you can try for the sake of ruling it out, but its 50/50 if those things will make a difference or not. If you want to give them a go anyway let me know and I'll list the other things you can try.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Thanks, but i'll pass. I had a game similar to this, but minus some bugs. I tried everything, but I came to the solution of it being a Dev thing, or an AMD thing. All my hardware is in check and no issues have been on my end. Guess I'll wait and hope they just didn't stop MEA bug fixing.
- 8 years ago
@Dutchoper72, Fair enough mate. Get in to some Skyrim SE or something thats a good game, just be sure to grab the unofficial patch for it and HD texture mods at least 😉
- 8 years ago
I had to stop playing to post this (mind you this is not a bug per say), apparently now space walking is a thing and you can do it with no helmet on....
I am in a loss for words....
- 8 years ago
Wait... what? Bioware rendered a FMV where Ryder has no helmet on in space? I payed so little attention to what was going on in my first playthrough were I was so bored I honestly can't remember what happens in any of the major story scenes.
Check your settings too if you have Ryders helmet set to off in conversations that could be it, but you would think in scenes Ryder absolutely needs a helmet on Bioware would override that option, fairly certain ME3 did that - walking in space when trying to board the geth ship would of looked rather hilarious with no helmet on 😛