Forum Discussion
Great post! If bugs and balance can be achieved, then I really thing ME:A could shine. I enjoy playing it for the most part, but I find myself seriously asking myself whether I'm in the mood to "dig in" for the evening due to several of the issues outlined in the first post.
My biggest gripe right now as I've started the NEW GAME+ is the severe weapon imbalance issues. It was bad during the first playthrough (which I did on Hard). I'm doing NEW GAME+ on Insanity, and let me paint the picture (caution: weapon spoilers follow):
- Assault Rifles: Completely worthless. All of them. Been alternating between the Mattock, Falcon, and P.A.W. and all of them are worthless against even the most basic Kett Chosen. Going 1:1 against a Kett Chosen with the Revenant takes about 7-10 seconds to take him down at point-blank range with headshot/torso aims. Seriously. He should have been dead on arrival. 🙂
- Sniper Rifles: This one illustrates it best. The Isharay is my sniper rifle of choice because 1) I'm a darn good shot, and 2) it has the highest base damage stats. You'd think this super gun would be unstoppable on the field, right? NOPE! At a distance of 50-yards it takes around 2-3 headshots to take down a basic Kett Chosen, 4-5 for an Anointed , and 5-6 for a Destined. I'm sorry, but even if they have shields and armor a direct shot from the Isharay should inflict significant damage. Plus, if they don't have should be the final sound that they hear. Nuff said.
- Pistols: Most pistols are weak, but they seem to be more effective than the Assault Rifles (in general). Plus, the N7 Eagle is clearly more effective than any Assault Rifle. It feels a bit like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Something ain't right.
- Shotguns: Haven't used them. Not my playstyle. But sounds like the main poster on this thread ran into the same issues with them as well.
@Bioware Please get the weapon balancing matter resolved quickly. I'm currently halfway into my NEW GAME+ on Insanity mode, and it's just not any fun with this ridiculous weapon ineffectiveness. It's like playing Final Fantasy VII with under-leveled characters, and every meaningless encounter feels like your taking on the end boss. Except your not...and you know it. 🤔
I'll update the first post later today guys, real world stuff putting me behind such as troubleshooting a mainboard I've been sent.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx I don't think you will find so many bugs anywhere in real life 🙂 why would you want to go anywhere else? 😉
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