Forum Discussion
I was driving around on Voeld and I went past the sniper outside of Techixx for the White Death mission and if you drive past the area, it doesn't seem to pick up again. Reloading the save did nothing to try and re-trigger it.
It's one of those missions that automatically picks up if you're within a certain area. Unlike the ones where you talk to someone to start it.
I also remember reading somewhere it fails to trigger if one of your squadmates is talking at the same time the mission giver it doesn't pick it up again.
Yet more bugs! Sarcastic yay!
-Every time I finish a conversation with the Moshae in her office or whatever, she proceeds to walk through my character. Same thing happens with Evfra.
-While on the Nexus, if they play one of Ryder's interviews over the comms or whatever, your character will say the lines instead of them being replayed by the news. I actually couldn't hear the news at all the vast majority of the time this happened, so I initially thought Ryder was just randomly (and constantly) spouting out old interview responses.
-Around the time I was doing the final little loyalty missions for my crew, SAM started to constantly tell me I had email when I didn't. Not just when he should have been talking about strike teams, but all over the ship, including right after take-off from a planet.
-Cannot pick up/buy/earn from loot crates any new weapons or armour between levels 61 and 71.
-Cannot manually save the game if Ryder is standing within about two meters of a door. Ever.
-Randomly cannot save the game if standing in some random "wrong" place. This happens especially often around Prodromos. I won't be able to save while standing in *this* particular bit of desert, but if I run a couple meters in any direction, I suddenly can.
-After the final turian arc mission, Ryder continues to speak as though wearing a helmet. Game has to be saved and reloaded to get it to stop doing this.
-Ryder's head will randomly turn around 180-degrees during various conversations like they're suddenly in the Exorcist. This happens to me frequently, it's getting downright embarrassing.
-Final update to the scourge codex entry leaves it permanently marked as unread.
-My journal always shows up as having something unread, but if I actually go into it, everything is marked as read.
-Earn Your Badge never completes, in spite of having been completed. Prompt to speak to quest-giver remains after speaking to him and turning in the quest, but no longer works.
More minor complaint: the sex scene with PeeBee REALLY assumes you're playing Scott. That isn't how two females have sex, unless someone's wearing a strap-on.
And please, Bioware, PLEASE! Always let us save before we're about to have to make conversation choices or major game decisions!
Oh, and as a final side note... how cool would it have been if, every so often when we returned to our settlements, it was to find new buildings had gone up and more people were living there?
(And I quite like SAM and the sudoku and my Ryder not being an experienced badass like Shepard or Alec, please don't hate me.)
- 8 years ago
Updated first post again. Has anyone noted any Bioware response to the link that was posted to this thread on their Twitter page? Feels like they have gone full underground....
- 8 years ago
Or when the bring out a update it * up more of your fps then before and it take almost 1h again to tweak the settings to get ad least a decent fps count.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Maverick set legs can be crafted only up to lvl5. You can buy lvl6 and so on from merchants but you can say goodbye to augments then. Only the Legs however, other parts of the set are fine. Also heard Pathfinder elite weapons (deluxe edition) can be crafted up to lvl5 as well. Cant confirm that as i have the standard version but many people confirmed that.
Nomad engine sound disappearing still persist. Upgrades not doing anything with it, disappears with the stock and the upgraded one as well. Using jump or boost can make the engine completely silent as well but mostly you dont need to do anything just simply drive and it goes dead silent. Tried reinstalling the game, no joy. Other games does not suffer of audio bugs so not driver or hardware problem.
Often talking to NPC's difficult, requires a certain angle to do so as the interaction button doesnt show up. Even if you stand in front of the said NPC. Running away a bit and going back 90% of the time solve the problem but eh.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx they are too busy posting Fan art and pictures of clothing for ME:A and Dragon Age Inquisition to be bothered with some "minor" bugs...
ha ha ... they posted that they are hiring people...maybe they should first sack the ones that are already working there!
- Anonymous8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX Yeah, I don't get it. Their game sucks, but they act like if they would've created the best game ever and I can't believe that people are still buying their fan-*. First things first: FIX THAT DAMN GAME, so that it is playable and makes fun, BioWare!!! And when you're hiring, hire some people who understand a little bit about animations! Specific FACIAL animations!
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