Forum Discussion
Yet more bugs! Sarcastic yay!
-Every time I finish a conversation with the Moshae in her office or whatever, she proceeds to walk through my character. Same thing happens with Evfra.
-While on the Nexus, if they play one of Ryder's interviews over the comms or whatever, your character will say the lines instead of them being replayed by the news. I actually couldn't hear the news at all the vast majority of the time this happened, so I initially thought Ryder was just randomly (and constantly) spouting out old interview responses.
-Around the time I was doing the final little loyalty missions for my crew, SAM started to constantly tell me I had email when I didn't. Not just when he should have been talking about strike teams, but all over the ship, including right after take-off from a planet.
-Cannot pick up/buy/earn from loot crates any new weapons or armour between levels 61 and 71.
-Cannot manually save the game if Ryder is standing within about two meters of a door. Ever.
-Randomly cannot save the game if standing in some random "wrong" place. This happens especially often around Prodromos. I won't be able to save while standing in *this* particular bit of desert, but if I run a couple meters in any direction, I suddenly can.
-After the final turian arc mission, Ryder continues to speak as though wearing a helmet. Game has to be saved and reloaded to get it to stop doing this.
-Ryder's head will randomly turn around 180-degrees during various conversations like they're suddenly in the Exorcist. This happens to me frequently, it's getting downright embarrassing.
-Final update to the scourge codex entry leaves it permanently marked as unread.
-My journal always shows up as having something unread, but if I actually go into it, everything is marked as read.
-Earn Your Badge never completes, in spite of having been completed. Prompt to speak to quest-giver remains after speaking to him and turning in the quest, but no longer works.
More minor complaint: the sex scene with PeeBee REALLY assumes you're playing Scott. That isn't how two females have sex, unless someone's wearing a strap-on.
And please, Bioware, PLEASE! Always let us save before we're about to have to make conversation choices or major game decisions!
Oh, and as a final side note... how cool would it have been if, every so often when we returned to our settlements, it was to find new buildings had gone up and more people were living there?
(And I quite like SAM and the sudoku and my Ryder not being an experienced badass like Shepard or Alec, please don't hate me.)
Updated first post again. Has anyone noted any Bioware response to the link that was posted to this thread on their Twitter page? Feels like they have gone full underground....
- 8 years ago
Or when the bring out a update it * up more of your fps then before and it take almost 1h again to tweak the settings to get ad least a decent fps count.
- Anonymous8 years ago
Maverick set legs can be crafted only up to lvl5. You can buy lvl6 and so on from merchants but you can say goodbye to augments then. Only the Legs however, other parts of the set are fine. Also heard Pathfinder elite weapons (deluxe edition) can be crafted up to lvl5 as well. Cant confirm that as i have the standard version but many people confirmed that.
Nomad engine sound disappearing still persist. Upgrades not doing anything with it, disappears with the stock and the upgraded one as well. Using jump or boost can make the engine completely silent as well but mostly you dont need to do anything just simply drive and it goes dead silent. Tried reinstalling the game, no joy. Other games does not suffer of audio bugs so not driver or hardware problem.
Often talking to NPC's difficult, requires a certain angle to do so as the interaction button doesnt show up. Even if you stand in front of the said NPC. Running away a bit and going back 90% of the time solve the problem but eh.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx they are too busy posting Fan art and pictures of clothing for ME:A and Dragon Age Inquisition to be bothered with some "minor" bugs...
ha ha ... they posted that they are hiring people...maybe they should first sack the ones that are already working there!
- Anonymous8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX Yeah, I don't get it. Their game sucks, but they act like if they would've created the best game ever and I can't believe that people are still buying their fan-*. First things first: FIX THAT DAMN GAME, so that it is playable and makes fun, BioWare!!! And when you're hiring, hire some people who understand a little bit about animations! Specific FACIAL animations!
- Anonymous8 years ago
@Kingsman-73 wrote:
First things first: FIX THAT DAMN GAME, so that it is playable and makes fun, BioWare!!! And when you're hiring, hire some people who understand a little bit about animations! Specific FACIAL animations!
You guys sound like a bunch of unsatisfied children that are making tantrum everytime they dont get from their parents what they want. They surely working on other projects as well, and they getting a lot of feedback/reports from the users which takes time to progress,investigate and in the end fix them. Surely there are bugs that not persist at everybody which is even harder to investigate than the "nomad shield crafting" quest which is bugged at everybody. Facial animations are something that requires deeper programming and they are harder (if not impossible) to fix after release, but if you look at the previous games, ME1-ME3 had the same terrible facial expressions at many places so they aint no different from Andromeda.
I would like to believe the longer it takes to get a patch, the more bugs gonna get squashed in the end. Its not always the case , but lets hope.
Until that, try to enjoy the game and hope for the best.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@RoastPotato26You know why? BECAUSE we are unsatisfied. Why? Because this game costs 60 Euros and it is in most parts USELESS! If you have money to give away for nothing, okay, but there are people who work for their money and they want to spend it for WORKING products. But I know, you get pocket money from your mother and you don't even care what kind of * you're buying from the money you didn't even had to work for.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@JeRabo81 before we go into money things, no i am not getting any pocket money from my parents because i have a job, a house, my own car so i dont have to rely on them if i need something as i could afford the game by myself but thanks for judging me without any proper information of my financial status. (27/M)
Back on the topic; yes it has flaws. I could get less bugs for my money if they would put more effort in the game. But is there any game that's perfect? Nope. Are they working on fixing the bugs? Yes they are. Is it going to take a while? Seems like, but in the end you may would get a proper patch with more bugs fixed.
Try to enjoy the game as i said. Almost everybody having various bugs with the game, yet they can deal with most of them. If you cant, do you solve anything with it by raging here? Nope. Sure you gonna have a few people who might agree with you but its not gonna lead anywhere. Be patient thats the most we can do, and if you cant cope with the bugs, try to send an email directly to Bioware because not sure they check this forum so often.
- 8 years ago
@RoastPotato26 wrote:
@JeRabo81 before we go into money things, no i am not getting any pocket money from my parents because i have a job, a house, my own car so i dont have to rely on them if i need something as i could afford the game by myself but thanks for judging me without any proper information of my financial status. (27/M)
Back on the topic; yes it has flaws. I could get less bugs for my money if they would put more effort in the game. But is there any game that's perfect? Nope. Are they working on fixing the bugs? Yes they are. Is it going to take a while? Seems like, but in the end you may would get a proper patch with more bugs fixed.
Try to enjoy the game as i said. Almost everybody having various bugs with the game, yet they can deal with most of them. If you cant, do you solve anything with it by raging here? Nope. Sure you gonna have a few people who might agree with you but its not gonna lead anywhere. Be patient thats the most we can do, and if you cant cope with the bugs, try to send an email directly to Bioware because not sure they check this forum so often.
I believe what's infuriating people more than the few dozen bugs "some of which are highly critical game breaking bugs" is the absolute lack of communication to assure people the bugs are being worked on instead of blowing them off and pumping out DLC which sadly has happened in the past.
Take for example ME1 Garrus has a texture pack noticibly lower resolution than the rest, it's a known issue and was said it wouldn't be patched as it'd take a multiple gig patch for that
ME2 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC spawns mobs within walls/cars making you unable to progress -- Still present to this day
ME2 Illiam, if you're on a 64bit platform certain audio triggers in hallways will hard crash your game -- Still present to this day
With AAA titles, people are expecting a certain level of completion and post launch support, which includes the need for public relations.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@Pyro411 Yeah, i got your point. They already confirmed on Twitch that they are working on the patch however, and its gonna happen soon. I read in the general discussions somewhere.
But its also a fact that the profit drives the big companies like BW/EA. The Need For Speed series is a good example, they released each year an episode and the quality and content became worse with each one. If they put more effort into it, they may create a better game that satisfies more people but also they getting their money in a slower rate.
The "Mass Effect" name itself is a huge pulling power for the people to buy it, as the previous 3 episodes were superior (even with the totally bs ending) so they knew even if they not putting that much effort into it, they can still get tons of money for it, just because of the title. And DLC's gonna happen, not 1, not 2 but at least 3-4. And 80% because of money, 20% because of the customer satisfaction.
- 8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xX Oh dear.. Bioware need to get their priorities straight if they are more concerned with posting merchandise than patching Andromeda. Bioware and EA cannot expect people to not be salty about Andromeda simply because the game is so half arsed it is obvious to anyone who is not a blind fanboy. I think this sums up everyones feelings about Andromeda;
and no, this is not me being salty, but rather trying to find a lighter side in what is a (very) dismal attempt at a ME game.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@RoastPotato26"Back on the topic; yes it has flaws. I could get less bugs for my money if they would put more effort in the game. But is there any game that's perfect? Nope. Are they working on fixing the bugs? Yes they are. Is it going to take a while? Seems like, but in the end you may would get a proper patch with more bugs fixed.
Try to enjoy the game as i said. Almost everybody having various bugs with the game, yet they can deal with most of them. If you cant, do you solve anything with it by raging here? Nope. Sure you gonna have a few people who might agree with you but its not gonna lead anywhere. Be patient thats the most we can do, and if you cant cope with the bugs, try to send an email directly to Bioware because not sure they check this forum so often."
I absolutely agree with you, that there is no perfect game, but the difference is, that other non triple A games, have fewer bugs than many triple A games. And I am tired of buying games which are unfinished and I have the right to complain about that, without being a child or sound like a unsatisfied child. I AM TIRED of developers who rip their customers off. The developers have QA testers, but it seems they don't even play their games, otherwise they wouldn't sell this game so early. I feel very disrespected as a paying customer and again, I have the right to complain, because they have MY money which I worked for. And to me it is NOT okay, that they sell unfinished games and then they are going: "Don't worry, we will fix it at a later date." NO! They got my money NOW and I want a working game NOW and not at a later date. Why do I have to feel so unsatisfied with a game which costs 60 Euros? Like I've said in an earlier post, I want to have fun with a game that costs that amount of money. I don't want to feel anger growing in me, because again they ripped me off. I personally have enough of that, because this is not the first time a triple A developer is doing something like this. Skyrim is still not without bugs. They even ported the bugs into Skyrim SE. Really?! Which company can do something like that to their customers without any consequences? None! Only game developers and this is NOT normal. Sorry, that is my opinion and I have the right to have this opinion and I really don't care if I sound like an unsatisfied child in your eyes. I really don't care.
- 8 years ago
I'll reiterate this is a bug reporting thread, some people are going to be angry that a product as buggy as this got OK'd to be sold in the state it's in and they absolutely have a right to complain about it (just don't forget to mention the bugs so anything new and validated can get added to the first post). If anyone can't deal with seeing their "beloved" criticised I suggest you simply stop reading and move on but like it or not this is a bug reporting thread.
I'll also add that Andromeda is in such a broken / buggy state that in accordance with UK law and trading standards it could be returned to where it was bought from for a full refund as it is not at this time of merchantable quality.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@ketxxx The funny thing is, that I don't have the right to get my money back. As I bought this digital game I got a message from EA, that when I buy it, there's NO money back guarranty. I should've known why there is none....
But you are right, this is a bug report thread, but the thing is, I don't play this mess anymore, I only came back to see how many more bugs the people have found and I had to self-defend myself against this ridicoulus statement that we're sounding like unsatisfied children. Unbelieveable that there are people who are happy with this game and the bugs in it.... - 8 years ago
@JeRabo81 I'm not playing Andromeda anymore either, the sheer amount of bugs and lack of polish has completely ruined the game for me. I doubt I'll be playing MEA again any time soon. I might try again near christmas when you would hope the mess is sorted out. The good news is that the mess with MEA has got me playing Skyrim SE with a ton of mods. 🙂
- Anonymous8 years ago
@ketxxx Then have fun with Skyrim SE. 🙂 I play Fallout 4 with a ton of mods and it's more fun then MEA will ever be. I rather play ME 1,2 and 3 100 times again, before I get my hands on MEA again.
- 8 years ago
@JeRabo81 Yeah ME1-3 are really good, says something though when you can point to much older games and say they look as good or better and have far better gameplay mechanics than a game thats been made on Frostbite3. I don't know what the hell the devs were doing the past 5 years but I'd certainly put part of MEAs dreadful state down to very poor time management. You could argue inexperience too but even inexperience doesn't really excuse the poor scripting and boring tasks all you need is someone half good at what they are doing with a bit of imagination. I'd even put money on Bioware hiring as a sign that people got fired over the state of Andromeda.
- Anonymous8 years ago
@ketxxx "...Bioware hiring as a sign that people got fired over the state of Andromeda."
Exactly this is what I thought when I read that BioWare's hiring new people. 🙂 They also should fire the producer, because HE is the one who's responsible. I mean, didn't he checked in which state this mess of a game is? Haven't he seen that the animations look cr@ppy? And IF he has seen it, then why didn't he told the animators that their work is cr@p? I really don't get so many things which got wrong with this game and that nobody at BioWare noticed it BEFORE they sold it. I don't get it... - 8 years ago
@JeRabo81 The animations aren't actually the devs fault, I've heard EA outsourced a lot of that to some arse end of nowhere studio they have and relied on auto-generation software to do it. Bioware are at fault for everything like poor weapon balancing, bullet sponge enemies, the player falling through the bloody level, stuff like that though.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx @JeRabo81 ruining the ME series, deploying a game that is totally broken, thinking that writing a script that makes no sense according to the ME lore is acceptable, not giving a damn about their customers to even come out with a formal apology, not giving a timeline for a patch to fix the most serious bugs in game, and worst of all, continuing to advertise the game as working!
- Anonymous8 years ago
@Xx-Gimmle-xXExactly. It's a shame what they did to Mass Effect and it's a shame that all good people at BioWare are gone. This wouldn't have had happen if Casey Hudson would be still the producer. Okay, we would have a sh*tty ending, but the rest of the game would be okay. Unfortunately he decided to work for Microsoft...
- 8 years ago
Maybe if we help start an easier to read catalog of the issues on a site like a github repo with a readme etc? That would allow us/them to see what has been checked/fixed/etc ?
See my thread in Game Info:
- 8 years ago
If there are people interested, i'll be happy to open a github repo and add anyone who wants to contribute.
- 8 years ago
I can't start Out of the Frying Pan mission after settling on Kadara. The guy who gives you the mission is standing in the dock area. Name is Grayson Wessler
Not sure if that's a bug or since I chose Reyes as leader, and the guy giving me the mission was an Outcast, then he might have gotten killed during the raid to kick the Outcasts from Kadara.
Anyways, after killing Sloane and completing the High Noon mission, he is gone from where he was. Same goes for the other Outcast guys you're supposed to talk to for the mission (eg. Krogan warden near the exit to the Slums).
- 8 years ago
If someone wants to start a github they can try, but the chances of the devs using anything like that is slim I'd say. Also, to hopefully make Bioware and EA sit up and get their acts together heres a review I dug up from ACG, pretty much sums everything up in 12 mins.
- 8 years ago
@ketxxx LOL I loved the last part : "I can play 60 hours of mass effect andromeda or flick my nuts for 60 hours, I can, it doesn't mean I want to" I was laughing my head off.
Edited spolier alert, if you didn't finish the game don't read:
SpoilerBy the way, I hate what they did with the decision making regarding the turian pathfinder and the krogan scouts, apparently it makes no change what so ever if you decide to save the turian pathefinder, if you save the krogan scouts than you don't fight the krogan Kett later on in game, but the other decision makes no difference what so ever.
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