Import your Shepard from the original trilogy!
Greetings Commanders!
For the Legendary Edition launch a small tool has been created to help convert your old ME 2 and ME 3 face codes to Legendary Edition-compatible codes.
This link will bring you to Google Drive where you'll find a small program you can download and unzip.
Be sure to check the PleaseRead file first, then you can run MassEffectFaceCodes.exe. We encourage you to verify the Electronic Arts, Inc digital signature before proceeding.
This tool will then allow you to enter your Mass Effect 2 or Mass Effect 3 face codes for use in Legendary Edition character creation.
Feel free to share your converted face codes here, show off your beautiful, handsome or "characterful" Shepards for the world to see.
Note: In some cases codes will not match 100% to your original Shepard due to changes in the content and you may have to adjust some settings manually in the character creator.