Forum Discussion
This is Herculano Shepard. He was born on Earth and grew up with no parents, a la Bruce Wayne. However, unlike Wayne, Shepard had no "Alfred" and soon fell into the wrong crowd. Joining up the 10th Street Reds, Shepard grew to like killing, and decided to seek up a better life for himself by joining up The Alliance... as in a better life to keep killing. On Torfan he sacrificed most of his squad against batarian forces, and god only knows how many more he is willing to sacrifice after being assigned to the Normandy...
Face code is:
I actually did not use the tool at first. I slapped in my ME3 code from my last play through and there she is. The colors had to be adjusted - skin, hair and make up colors were all missing, so I selected a 'close enough' value for these. Honestly, most of the makeup colors make her look like she's going to a rave, instead of saving the galaxy. I miss the original colors.
I've imported the same Jocelyn Shepard through my games, and she winds up looking like this in ME3. It's subtly different than the original, but the tool doesn't accept original ME face codes 😞
Left is my original, right is the ME1 --> ME2 --> ME3 game imported code thrown into ME: Legendary. The lighting could have been better in Legendary...
ME1 face code: 9-2-3-X.13-16-23-18-29-10-18.8-30-28-13-20-31-5.31-25-22-13.3-14-1-23-22.11-20-18.6-2-4-7.6-1-6
ME:Legendary: 993.DGN.IUA.I8V.TDK.W1W.QMD.3E1.NMB.KIA.246.N1G.6
- 4 years ago
@TeahouseFox wrote:I actually did not use the tool at first. I slapped in my ME3 code from my last play through and there she is. The colors had to be adjusted - skin, hair and make up colors were all missing, so I selected a 'close enough' value for these. Honestly, most of the makeup colors make her look like she's going to a rave, instead of saving the galaxy. I miss the original colors.
I've imported the same Jocelyn Shepard through my games, and she winds up looking like this in ME3. It's subtly different than the original, but the tool doesn't accept original ME face codes 😞
Left is my original, right is the ME1 --> ME2 --> ME3 game imported code thrown into ME: Legendary. The lighting could have been better in Legendary...
ME1 face code: 9-2-3-X.13-16-23-18-29-10-18.8-30-28-13-20-31-5.31-25-22-13.3-14-1-23-22.11-20-18.6-2-4-7.6-1-6
ME:Legendary: 993.DGN.IUA.I8V.TDK.W1W.QMD.3E1.NMB.KIA.246.N1G.6
Same problem here. Their excuse is that with the changes to ME3 all the same features are not able to be imported. It sucks because one of the main reasons I bought the MELE was to enjoy the same Shepard through 3 games. I thought they would "fix" those incompatibilities, but to no avail.- 4 years ago
A YouTuber by the name "EKG" posted what may have been the best-looking ME3 Shepard I've ever seen, based on Samus. (He did use a custom hair mod.) I ran his character code from his video through the converter to get ME:LE Samus.
His original from ME3 (from this video:
The ME:LE version:- sweetpoison00114 years agoSeasoned Ace
That's my Sheppard over all 3 parts (no additional adjustments just 100% import)
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