4 years ago
ME2 lost achievements, no advanced training available
I gained a new loyalty power today and when I did the advanced training, I couldn't change powers. Come to find out, my achievements were missing. I no longer have any achievements for recruiting sq...
- 4 years ago
Thanks for all the reports, everyone.
I've seen a number of you have reloaded saves without any luck, has anyone tried re-installing yet to see if that changes things?(Edit: This doesn't appear to have changed things for those that have tried, thanks)Edit 2: At this time it doesn't appear we need further examples. The team is still taking a look here, thanks again for the information everyone's provided thus far.June 28th Edit: An update has gone out on Xbox to address some achievement issues: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Mass-Effect-Legendary-Edition/28-June-Hotfix/m-p/10469045/thread-id/10418