Forum Discussion
Here I'll to say for you because split screen died, with the improvement of tv and or monitor widescreen that option became unfeasible, and still have the marketing where two games sell more than only one, so split screen was dead for industry.
- Anonymous8 years agoNot entirely true, all the lego games still offer split screen, as does minecraft and Star Wars battlefront... but I haven't seen it in a racing game in a while which is disappointing. My son loves the hot wheels expansion of forza horizon 3 but it would be more fun to play together.
- 8 years ago
Oh, that good then if the lego have split screen, I was talking about games, SWB I don't know, but whatever, nobody cares!
- Anonymous8 years agoJust because you don't play them doesn't mean they aren't games genius... there's a world outside of your parents basement.
- Anonymous8 years agonot true! Call of duty adds the split screen option every year bro! so does halo. a lot of people still want and need that feature for siblings and when you have company over. facts buddy
- 8 years ago
Such a load of BS. All Forza games and Dirt have splitscreen, Battlefront 1 and 2, Call of Duty and many others. And guess what, it's a lot of fun. Need for Speed hasn't been even decent for many many years. Lazy and bad.
- 7 years ago
Is there a 2plyer mode or not?
- 7 years ago
Your answer the link and read all about it!
Your welcome and have a great day. :eahigh_file:
- 7 years agoNope there hasent been split screen in any NFS game since early 2000,nowadays its all about online MP. If you want split screen then there is Forza Motorsport, and mayby some few other racing games. But honestly split screen isent as popular when it was when i grewed up in the 90s, i remember played with my friend on NFS 2 SE. So fun also on NFS3 and Highstakes, since the old games was about track racing. Nowadays its all about Fast and furious *.
- 7 years ago
The article I posted told the audience there is no split screen in Payback.
Spilt screen I do remember playing back in those early days.
I was not a fan of it.🤪😱.
Thanks for sharing your additional information 😊👍
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