9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
Super true. How can one beat a 949 Mclaren? And the other problem is, the opponent goes in a "ghost mode", so we are unable to ram it into the wall or whatever. Its really difficult to beat, its okay to have a neck to neck challenge, but the opponent just.....vroommm...is not a challenge.
@richieluv76 wrote:
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a race (i gained 14 points for a "just" win but lost 33 points for a "just" loss), the opponents seem to taking a far better racing line and the jumps are more like another obsticle to be avoided as you get thrown off at crazy angle and thrown into the wall if you dont hit it straight on
@vipucho wrote:
Super true. How can one beat a 949 Mclaren? And the other problem is, the opponent goes in a "ghost mode", so we are unable to ram it into the wall or whatever. Its really difficult to beat, its okay to have a neck to neck challenge, but the opponent just.....vroommm...is not a challenge.
@richieluv76 and @vipucho To be honest, I had been waiting for someone to make a thread about "Blackridge Rivals". lol
I don't have trouble winning races in Blackridge Rivals. I may have lost a few races, but I won most of my races.
In fact, the races in Blackridge Rivals are so intense that my heart beats rapidly whenever I do a race there and hoping the game doesn't mess me up. (With cop roadblocks and traffic)
I really like Blackridge Rivals. It brought me so much fun that I hadn't had with the game after so many months.
I really want Multiplayer racing in No Limits though. This isn't Multiplayer racing, but it's the closest we got so far.
The amount of points you gain or lose depends on your opponents SP (Speed Points). The higher the SP, the more SP you win (less SP you lose). The lower the SP, the less SP you win (more SP you lose). It all depends whether the game gives you a higher SP opponent or lower SP opponent.
Oh, and I wouldn't mind if opponents are ghosts in Blackridge Rivals since I'm not really racing them live. However, I do want car contact in actual Multiplayer racing in No Limits (if it ever happens) to add more of a challenge to pass opponents cleanly or to send opponents flying if they're being trolls.
To vipucho, do you really ram real people in Multiplayer races? If so, then prepare to go to heaven if you ever do race me.
By the way, you guys should check out the Top 200 leaderboard in Blackridge Rivals. You'll see a familiar name in there. 👿
@scottfollett wrote:
Sorry but I didn't see your name in the top 200....saw mine though! Lol! Maybe ure screen name is diff like mine...
@scottfollett My name is partly different, but not by much.
@scottfollett a glitch when it downloaded the ghost data perhaps? how many points did you lose?
Hi Team... well, I finally cracked it thanks to your advice.... Icon 4501 SP currently sitting in 108th position on the leader-board! Whoohooo
That said, I do think it was more a case of good luck, than good racing.
I woke up this morning and decided today was the day I was going to claim that gold icon, whatever it takes... and boy did it take a lot!
I started the day on about 4448 PR thinking I'd be past 4500 before I'd finished my first cuppa coffee. Wishful thinking! My first 5 races were a disaster, with the second race almost driving me to delete NFS-NL permanently, when my 1053 PR CCX was smoked by a LAMBO in what couldn't have been a more perfect run on my part. WTF?!? (could only have been a cheater, which is extremely annoying)
Anyway, I let off some steam in a symphony of expletives and got back to business, only to get thumped in the next few races and plummeted back down to a humble 4320. But, I stuck to my 'whatever it takes' guns and burnt through all my remaining gold (about 400) to sneak back past the 4400 mark again by midday. After a long break of hourly refills I finally started enjoying a bit more 'luck of the draw' along with a consistent string of races without making too many mistakes. By 11:30pm, it was mission accomplished.
However, the brief sense of personal 'victory' was quickly overshadowed by the foreboding feeling that my new 'Icon' status was more of a lucky 'slot machine' spin, than a well deserved win (if you get my meaning). Yes, a measure of skill is required to 'be in the game' but I strongly suspect this accounts for less than 50% of your actual progress and the bulk of progress is actually determined by how lucky you are with which opponents you draw in which events.
If we at least had the ability to choose which opponents we raced against (based upon SP ratings), a measure of strategy would be introduced to BRR. E.g. Choose an opponent with a lower SP, giving you a better chance of winning a few points and progressing slowly, coupled with the higher cost of losing against this opponent if you make a mistake, verses selecting an opponent with a higher SP, giving you the chance to progress faster if you win while losing fewer SP if you lose, although the risk of losing is much higher... so it's a trade-off decision we would each make as players, as opposed to having this decision made for us by the game.
I certainly look forward to seeing how BRR evolves after pre-season. Could be epic, could be a disaster. Time will tell.