9 years ago
blackridge rivals
is anyone else having trouble with these races? i seem to have lost just as many as ive won and more often than not if you "just" win a race you gain less points than you lose if you "just" lose a ra...
@TheRealJony - lol, seems the fun from Blackridge Rivals didn't really last long, right? Or is it just because you are now too results oriented due to your leaderboard position that you are so furious? I mean, your issues are not with the actual races but with the rewards and matchmaking... Staying at the top is always hard and always harder than to get there. I can imagine game engine does not want you to face the same few opponents over and over, so I guess they may limit 1 race per opp and day, for example - which leaves you with more than a half of your races with weaker opponents, where the reward is small but the cost of an error is great.
An error in a short race is fatal, yet longer races won't solve that, as the only chance of getting back at the opponent after a mistake is that he makes a mistake too (funny to trail the ghost image and see it run into the wall at the outer wall, for example).
@TheRealJony - oh, and forgot kudos to you for getting that far even with those cars of yours, that leaves lot to be desired when speaking about upgrades. I've got maxed out CCX (that is, it was maxed out before the update, PR994, which now dropped to 989) and still losing a fair share of my scarce BR races, as I do make mistakes (and getting perfect start only about 1 out of 2).